Aussie Growers Thread


Well-Known Member
Can u bring me back some Baskin 'n' Robbins?? I have a real craving :eyesmoke:
yeah shopping! i just spent 55 dollars on a teeny tiny gymnastics leotard and a little cross over for a 6 yo, someone needs to do an expose, ballet and gymnastics gear for kids is MAD over priced lol

this may help yer craving. i got so messed up last night, i inhaled my dinner (it was a creamy chicken and veg pasta bake, super good) went and chucked, could have sworn there was more pasta than i started with but anyway, sat down and had a second bowl LOL still wantin ice cream man?


Well-Known Member
Sweet, i expect an oz in the mail :D
Now that i think about it, my mum has silk worms which only eat mulberry leaves and because our mulberry tree isn't big enough to handle all the worms, mum has to get her Dad to send leaves from his tree up in Sydney. Now i know its not weed, but we have never had any complaints about sending plant matter in the mail...

So that idea might not be so crazy after all...

Anyway, what i was gonna say is, for all those hydro growers out there where do you get Nitrogen for plants during flowering?
Atm i'm using AG nutes and apparently there alright but i'm a little scared when it comes to flowering and was hoping i could up the nutes or get fox farm or flowering nutes for a hydro system.
Apparently epsom salts are good?

Anyone ever tried these methods?



Well-Known Member
Go to your local hydro shop and introduce yourself. The shopkeeper should be able to give you a few different options of nutrient ranges, usually including one generic type local brew for cheap. Use these liquid hydro nutes in your AG pretty much as instructed on the bottle. Oh and good luck finding fox farm is aus lol.


Well-Known Member
nah it wasn't how much i ate lol i had an oxy for a perforated ear drum, then smoked a bunch of bongs and was well munted lol

then i ate my dinner, threw it up and went 'oh but it was lovely, let's try again' ha - was just a bowl of pasta


Well-Known Member
haha an oz my arse lol but no doubt i can send a few grams.

jats got me onto a site that actually posts you the good stuff, i haven't ordered any yet but it's on the cards lol


Well-Known Member

I really should have thought of that first eh...
Anyway found this one thats not too far away, but look at this stuff soak_info1.htm
think it works?
Sounds like bullshit to me, but still, they have a whole bunch of big bud nutes.

Thanks homies

That place looks a bit over priced to me. I pay $20 for generic nutes, not $28, and I see canna in the low $30s not close to $40. That said they have what you need and it's only a few dollars more.

I wouldn't bother with fancy solutions claiming to fem seeds. If it was that simple everyone would be doing it, rather there are just a bunch of different miracle solutions vying for a small market.

Kmoo, jays, share this site!


Well-Known Member
you want the url to the buyin bud site?

oh and i need to clarify, i got myself a new bowl of pasta lol


Well-Known Member were serious about posting weed?

Well, if you actually want to split me a sample i'm up for that but plz don't feel obliged. PM me if you are.

As for the prices on the nutes down here, well its Canberra. Everything is expensive because there aren't many people so i'm pretty used to it by now.
Plus im happy to pay for something if i know its gonna work.



Well-Known Member
Y wud u want to add Extra Nitrogen for flowering? Just use a compound fert, n it shud contain all the Nitrogen a Budding plant needs.

Jats or Kmoo send me the URL plz :)
(P.S talkin about M.O.M will get the moderators here in a big ol huff).


Well-Known Member

yeah darl i will pm ya ;)

and golly i was TOTALLY joking about sending weed, that's just so illegal it's not even funny. i would send people cookies though, no drugs in them, just yummy home baked cookies. lol


Well-Known Member
haha part of what problem? pish posh i wont be sending anything anywhere then, ha

on the good ship, lollipop - shouldn't be a problem, weed is good, good is weed. booze is worse for ya, should be legal. doop doop
Give d poor guy a break Km, he just Loves sum Good Weed :)

I actually go 2 Canberra every now n then, friends family etc.. Plus I pass thru on my way 2 Albury..

As for the going price, it's $20 a bag here, but if it's good gear ppl tend 2 skimp on d weight to .8 or so..
I don't sell though.. I only grow just enough as it is :joint:
Wtf? explains why my state ships interstate:blsmoke:

$25 gets you 2.5. 2.0 if stingy or killer:bigjoint: