Aussie Outdoor 08/09


Well-Known Member
nah you havent.. you'll be starting abit late i think.. but you should be sweet.. just get those beans in the ground asap! what state are you from?


Active Member
nah you havent.. you'll be starting abit late i think.. but you should be sweet.. just get those beans in the ground asap! what state are you from?
SA. Still need to order my seeds and wait for delivery, here's hoping that doesn't take too long!


Active Member
Well great to see some Aussies on this site and even better to see a thread dedicated to us all. Well this year will be the second grow for me. And yes I'm definitely a novice and still learning from many mistakes. Most of which I wont post to save embarrasement lmao. Have heard recently we will be in for the coolest summer on record which doesn't help things. And saying that all of my plants bar my recently planted Auto Flowering AK-47 X Hindu Kush suffered real bad on boxing day. Heat stress to all my plants. All the tips on all the new growth have burnt. So will take a while to heal I guess. Which sucks because I was just about to re-pot all 11 plants. I have 11 on the go. Power Skunk, Blue Cheese, PPP, Jock Horor, Lemon Skunk, Thai Super Skunk and Durban Poison. Quite a variety but all are just recovering from a mite and thrip infestation. On top of that now and just keen to re-pot and get on with it. They where all quite healthy before these troubles and it's definitely put us behind the 8 ball in terms of time wasted. Have them all in 25kg Mayonnaise Buckets the white ones you get from good old Bannacle Bills for $5 each. So wont be too big but a descent size I hope. I rent so it's not an option to grow in the ground as I need to hide them when house inspections are due. Recently finished some Lowryder #2 I grew outdoors, man what a nice smoke. I will post some pics just before I pull them for all to see. Peace to all the Aussies and especially to all the S.A growers. Happy Harvesting to you all. :wink:


Active Member
if your in oz, no its not too late, you can still get an ok harvest with some smokeable bud. make sure the seeds u get are feminized or you get a clone otherwise ur 'one' plant may turn out to be male


Well-Known Member
Just wondering. If it makes THAT much of a difference as FDD has monsters in pots and makes them movable...


Well-Known Member
Just wondering. If it makes THAT much of a difference as FDD has monsters in pots and makes them movable...
i dont think it does as i know you can grow them to quite a big plant in a pot,
but it is not something i would do if i had them away from the house .
they tend to need watering every day when they get big in pots.(especially on very warm days)
i have a few in pots but i start them later so they dont get to big,they will still get to around 4 foot .


Well-Known Member
well hey dudes..
im in WA...and im growing outdoors now..
my plants is doing ok...
i wanted to good is fish emulsion?
i have been give it small doses every saturday
and have been watering every 3 days...
soo how good is this manni turf fish emulsion stuff..ALSO..PLEASE
when will this start to flower.
the thing is i dont want it to START to flower no longer then March..becasue im moving back to toronto, canada in july
1. when will this be ready to flower..what month? fish emulsion a good nute..

(these pics were taken 2 weeks ago)



Well-Known Member
wow,,,,,,,,,soo long away.........
buh now im happy that i choose fish emulsion,
how about seasol?
and what do you think of the plant


Well-Known Member
wow,,,,,,,,,soo long away.........
buh now im happy that i choose fish emulsion,
how about seasol?
and what do you think of the plant
seasol is good
plant is looking good but will need a bigger pot very soon.

just put a couple more photos up for you all to look at...:-)


Active Member
anyone got some aussie blue going?

yeah i do actually, one plant. bout 2 and a half feet tall. can't wait till flower. u? nice indica leaves on it...


Well-Known Member
im from oz
cant grow atm got raided a month ago and a letter from the AFP which kinda sux

they killed my babies (they were like 1-2 inches tall lol
fined me took the last of my weed and yeah they left. thats how the cookie crumbles i spose