aussie outdoor guerilla grow 2013/14


Active Member
Hey mate, there lookin good.. Have,you got some pictures of how there goin now? I'm up in Sa and have done an outdoor grow this year and its also my first time growing. I planted these from random bag seeds and have turned,out pretty good, must be a decent strain but I don't know.. The pictures bellow are from this morning, before and after a prune (as you can see I'm pretty hash,with my pruning but it thrives off of it).. I've only been watering it with a solution of worm juice and water (worm stall the you drain out the bottom of a worm farm).


There arent too many big ones the average size one is less than a metre but I have seen the big fuckers around aswell. I recon they could jump over the 1 metre high fence im just hoping they dont and im hoping my plants arent to far away from harvest as I dont want the roosnto be thinking it christmas lol. I might set some traps with old leaves as my bait haha then ill snap there neck lol
Will post update soon hopefully no damge has been done and all fhe plants have started bu


Hey mate, there lookin good.. Have,you got some pictures of how there goin now? I'm up in Sa and have done an outdoor grow this year and its also my first time growing. I planted these from random bag seeds and have turned,out pretty good, must be a decent strain but I don't know.. The pictures bellow are from this morning, before and after a prune (as you can see I'm pretty hash,with my pruning but it thrives off of it).. I've only been watering it with a solution of worm juice and water (worm stall the you drain out the bottom of a worm farm).
Hey man I dont have any pics the latest ones are the ones on the page before hand. I will go up and do some maintenance on tuesasday and take some pics then. I cant see ur pics on here for some reason bro how big are ur girls? Have they started flowering yet man?


Active Member
Yeah dumbass me didn't read all the pages there lookin good man.. If they get over your fence try making it in a cone shape tapering out from your pots? Might make it a bit,harder for the roos to get over.. Stupid phone won't let me upload photos properly but here's some links to the,photos on a different site..

before a prune ^^

after a prune ^^

these were taken,yesterday morning


Looking nice bro mine arent that far into flowering yet hopefully they finish up pretty soon tho these kangaroos could destroy my crop in a matter of days the cunts lol
Next season will be heaps better than this one as I will have everything organised and hopefully I sort these roos out haha


Active Member
Cheers man, didn't expect much from a bag seed but hey, haha.. Yeah kangaroos can be fuckers, only troubles I've had with being eaten were a couple of snails and my fuckin dog! Haha he ate all seedlings at the start so I had to start again late with this one


Well-Known Member
Yeah setup some traps bro, the big ones would scare me ha. doesn't look like yours will be finishing for a long time man


Well-Known Member
Do they eat the plants? I'm sure a 6ft roo can easily eat over a 1m high fence or jump over it?.

Do they attack you or run away?.
Depends on the roo's mood, usually they just scram though, will have to try using pepper next time I go out there.


20140305_154308.jpg20140305_150412.jpg20140305_150309.jpg20140304_190538.jpg20140304_183537.jpgI only have 3 girls out of 16 left more and more have been eaten so I rescued the 3 I have and put them in the greenhouse away from them, I also orded some autos off herbies for a winter grow, has any of you guys done a winter grow with autos?
Yeah man I recon they will take a bit to finish up nicely but it doesnt worry me :)


Active Member
Fuck, roo's can be cunts! Buggers wrote my car off too! Haha
good luck with the winter grow man, hope it all goes well for ya and skip leaves ya alone


Well-Known Member
Depends on the roo's mood, usually they just scram though, will have to try using pepper next time I go out there.
I'd take a rifle every time I go into the bush in Oz lol do you guys have dragons and shit?.

View attachment 3013832View attachment 3013833View attachment 3013834View attachment 3013838View attachment 3013836I only have 3 girls out of 16 left more and more have been eaten so I rescued the 3 I have and put them in the greenhouse away from them, I also orded some autos off herbies for a winter grow, has any of you guys done a winter grow with autos?
Yeah man I recon they will take a bit to finish up nicely but it doesnt worry me :)
sorry to hear of the loses, looks like they're ready for a transplant into the soil in the greenhouse. How much light does it get in there?, what're you using for soil?.


Yeah I was thinking I should chuck them in ground, it doesnt get as much light as I would like but it still get a fair bit it was either put them in greenhouse or let them get eaten lol, im ordering a big greenhouse for next season aswell


Well-Known Member
I was talking to these blokes at the hydro shop that said they used to kill the roo's and put em in a big hole, then they would put soil in
and plant the plants, he said they got around 8-10ft. I personally wouldn't do it, but hey someone might.