Auto AK fluorescent grow

the one survivor is barely alive. a couple days ago i transferred it to organic soil with no perlite, but it keeps dying. the cotelydyons (however you spell that) are curled up and yellow. the first little ridged leaves are doing the same thing. i havent watered it since i moved it either, what the hell is going on?


Well-Known Member
Damn I wish I could help u bro. Can u post pics. It may be overwatering. Are the leaves curled down or up?Have u checked in the plant problems forum? They may have answers or u could start a thread there
leaves are curling down, up and sideways. leaves are shrinking in size, and are now a yellow/brown color. soil has been dry for about a day now, should i try to water it? have a feeling that this one might be a lost cause
now that i look back, i think i might overwatered the seedlings before they sprouted the ground. but if that was the case, the plant should start to look better after a couple days, right?


Well-Known Member
I would just let it sit and let the soil dry more man. Stick ur finger in the soil and if its damp bout halfway down it doesn't need water. If it is over watered watering would be overkill. I'm no expert but I been lookn for stuff on the net to try and help u and I'm wonderin if ur tap water is to hard and its really what killed or killin em


Well-Known Member
yea if overwatering was the problem it should live when u let the soil dry. The leaves that r fucked up will stay that way but the new growth will be good
before i plant my exodus cheese and auto big bang seeds im gonna practice on some middys bag seed. i germinated them, waited till i could just see the tails, and planted them in little peat decomposable containers (tail up) about a pencil eraser deep. dirt was organic garden soil mixed with perlite. gave them an initial spray of water and put them in a big container with saran wrap over the top. two 50 watt cfl are over the top. fan is keeping temps down and fresh air coming in. temp is 75-80 during the day and 70-75 at night. wat do you think about this setup for seedlings?


Well-Known Member
No problem man. I kno how it is startin. Sounds good man. I haven't ever used the saran wrap but it may speed up the sproutin process. Only thing I see wrong is tail up. Plant seeds tail down because that is ur main root. Does ur soil have good drainage?


Well-Known Member
I didn't kno Canadians said yall lol. But the simplest way I can explain is that a non-auto requires 12 hours of darkness to flower and an auto will flower on its own. Some ppl run lights on them 24 hours with no dark but a regular plant would just grow and grow doing that


Well-Known Member
thanks man, i finally got it, wow that sounds great so is the killa from an auto less strong or something from a regular fem seed,becuz that sounds awesome :)


Well-Known Member
I think that's more of a personal decision. Some ppl will argue all day that the taste and highs aren't as good with autos but the ones I grew were some fire


Well-Known Member
Mx how's that ak and ur mid seeds doin? I hope that ak straightened out for u or is at least still fightin to stay alive
the ak died unfortunately, but i got about six bag seeds to sprout. i was reading up on the flourescents that i have, and everyone was saying you can't veg with 2700k cfl, it has to be 6500k. wat do you think. and one of the sprouts is purple halfway up the stem, ever seen that before?


Well-Known Member
Well shit I hate to hear that bro. That's good u got the bagseed goin tho. Nah man just about any spectrum will work. The 6500 is just a "preferred" spectrum for veg and the spectrum u have is flower. The plants use More blue light than red when in veg and more red than blue in flower. U may get a bit faster growth with the 6500 tho. Oh and on the purple stem. I am seeing this for the first time on a lemon skunk. Could be a nitrogen deficiency but it could just be natural for the plant to be like that. I wouldn't worry about it this early tho
for some reason 5 out of 6 seedlings have sprouted to the surface, but seem to be stuck there. only one sprout grew a couple inches tall and shedded its seed casing, but it also seems like it has stopped growing. i only water when the top of the dirt starts to get crusty, and i just mist them with a spray bottle. anybody had this problem before?


Well-Known Member
The way I learned about watering is I had my plants in a pot and a pot with nothin but dirt in it. I would pick up the pot with the plant in it and then the one with dry dirt. When it felt close to the same I would water em