Auto flower and non auto flower question


Active Member
I have a cheese ( not auto) that is in veg and I started two think different (auto). The cheese is pretty big and I could put it into flower at any time. My TD is just started. My question is regarding the flowering;. When the auto starts going into flower and I change my veg light to the flower light will the cheese stay in veg because the light is on for 20 hrs? I don't want to ruin either plant but my planning stinks. Your help would be appreciated. Thanks


Active Member
Will it still grow like it's in the veg state? The red light won't hurt the cheese?

Thanks for an answer.


Well-Known Member
It may very well slow down the photoperiod plant's growth a bit since it isn't the ideal vegetative growth spectrum, but it certainly should not induce flowering if you keep it on a 20/4 photoperiod. You can flower with pure veg lights if you drop the timing enough, and veg with pure flower lights with enough hours, but it wouldn't be very efficient.