Auto flower newbie from down under , help please

Eddie Machete

New Member
Hi I'm new here:eyesmoke:, I live in Sydney Australia and I'm gonna be starting a few outdoor auto flowers mid-late spring to make the most of this beautiful Australian sun. (sweet seeds red poison, northern light blue)

I have done enough research to know the basics of autos and they seem pretty easy. The thing is it has to be discreet and can only get around 4-5 hours direct sunlight....will this be way to little????

I am not looking for a big yield as i am still super noob and its gotta be discreet so its just something to keep me busy, experiment with and maybe some tasty smoke this a good idea?

Any opinions would be great THANKS:mrgreen:!

Eddie Machete


Well-Known Member
I've been told that the Red Poison runs 2-3 weeks longer than suggested.
that's all the info I got for ya. sorry/.


Well-Known Member
yes you will probably have good luck outdoors
"Most" auto's can easily run a month over breeders times as stew had stated already
light feed's
dont keep them soaked in water
and a big pot 3-5 gallons and you should do just fine
the lighting may keep them small enough
to be discreet
i would say go with a smaller container
but they dry out alot faster outdoors

brotes grandes

Active Member
Hi Eddie,I'm from W.A mate so I know how our sun goes and sorry mate that plant if only getting 5 hours of sun a day will yield hardly anything and not even what ever efforts you put into them. I would hold off til November if you can bro you know we go into around a 14/10 sun cycle here and outdoors they would love around that 14 hrs of sunlight that goes from around nov-feb then starts dropping to 12hrs and so on. I've seen a auto planted outside getting 8 hrs of light a day and I think the guy only pulled 7g's dry off it and was very disappointed. Is there any chance you can get some cfl's to make up the rest of the light hours needed as this would be your cheapest way to keep her decent. Best of luck mate :)

Eddie Machete

New Member
Thanks man that helps heaps, I can easily hold of till November :). The yield wasn't too big a problem for me but id prefer more smoke for my effort. I


Well-Known Member
deer and bug's
and bug's bunny will all eat it just pee around your grow area if that doesnt work put a hand full of moth balls spread around


Well-Known Member
hell kangaroo's and wallaby's might try and munch too
arent they just like a deer basically on eating habits ?

Eddie Machete

New Member
Bunnies shouldn't be an issue as it will be on a high-ish rock , as for kangaroos and wallabies they're rare in suburban Sydney , just bugs that I'm worried about i guess ...

I think I'll throw a tester down early and see how it goes .I will keep you guys posted :P

sorry for sounding so noob this will be my first grow btw.


i say go for it mate ive been growing an auto under the GREAT english sun lol. think i should get a decent yield. its been in a greenhouse but the greenhouse only gets about 3 hours of direct sun. check out my thread under the autoflower section its called first auto ak47 greenhouse grow. tried to put the link up but cant.

brotes grandes

Active Member
Bunnies shouldn't be an issue as it will be on a high-ish rock , as for kangaroos and wallabies they're rare in suburban Sydney , just bugs that I'm worried about i guess ...

I think I'll throw a tester down early and see how it goes .I will keep you guys posted :P

sorry for sounding so noob this will be my first grow btw.
We all gotta start somewhere mate so don't think there's any dumb questions you could ask(unless whats 1+1= lol).
I have a few neighbours cats that hang around and every summer try to get to my plants in backyard so I'd say feral cats doves n some birds bugs n pests should be your only real problem and just make sure you do cover in wire mesh as my chilli bushes and girls are often pecked on by doves whilst still young.
Keep posted as you go and good luck Eddie.