Auto Strain: New Tips Dried, Mid Leaves Curl during Flowering Stage (PLS HELP....)


Hello Y'all !

I try to sort out what going on to my girls for many thread but can't find any matched to my situation, thus, help me pleassseeeee......


As you can see from the picture bottom branches new tips dried and for whole picture leaf are curling...any idea pleaseee.

This girl is cross with Mi5 x Fruit auto strain.
medium: Coco (50%) + Perlite (30%) + mixed worm, cow, bat compost (20%)
used to flush once like a week ago but she still not better

Thanks & Peace!:peace:
I have a very similar problem except mine are just the new growth getting the very tips brown,. No curling and doesn;t seem to be getting worse. I looked for a diagnosis and the closest I could come up with was a Magnesium deficiency so I added a small amount of Magnesium sulphate (epsom salts) last time I fertilized. The only other thing I could figure was I just repotted my plant 3 or 4 days ago. If you find anything out please post.


Yea that one clue. Any other?
I found some said it cause of lack of K also. Is it true?
Which organic fert release K the most?