Auto vs reg


Active Member
Im planning on doing my first ever grow with only one plant just to get to know cannabis growing better.

Im interested in growing an auto, mainly beacause of the short grow period. BUT ive read alot of bad reviews on them as far as potency goes compared to reg strains.

should i go with reg. or auto
in a 2x2x4 cab


Active Member
with no carbon filter and using only cfls do i pretty much go with the same number cfm fan as there is of cubic feet in a cab??????? for example say i have a 54 cubic feet in a cab whould using two(intake/exhaust) 80 cfm fans be good?


Active Member
first grow i would go with a auto there easier.some autos can be potent but regular strains are more potent than "most" autos


Active Member
first grow i would go with a auto there easier.some autos can be potent but regular strains are more potent than "most" autos
with no carbon filter and using only cfls do i pretty much go with the same number cfm fan as there is of cubic feet in a cab??????? for example say i have a 54 cubic feet in a cab whould using two 80 cfm fans be good?

how is auto ak47 for potency?


Active Member
sounds like you got alot of research to do man.if your growing weed you will need sum type of odor control no matter how big,small,type of marijuana plant it is


Well-Known Member
iv done autos and never had any problems with potency. it 1 hit quit just as my reg... plants. autos are very easy to grow you dont half to mess with the lights, and time is cut in half. but if your looking to learn about growing plants you need to read read read and do. the more you grow the better you get. i have autos and reg plants going just check out my link on bottom.


Active Member
sounds like you got alot of research to do man.if your growing weed you will need sum type of odor control no matter how big,small,type of marijuana plant it is
haha dude i dont need odor control i wanna smell it.

so back to my simple question/ with no carbon filter and using only cfls do i pretty much go with the same number cfm fan as there is of cubic feet in a cab??????? for example say i have a 54 cubic feet in a cab whould using two 80 cfm fans be good?


it should work. it might be a lil scimpy but if you do it right, like one fan on one and and at the bottom sucking air in and the other closer to the top and blowing out it would clean ur box out around 1 n a half times a minute. u might want more of a breeze rolling thru there tho. how many cfls are you running, do u have anything lining the box or anything like tht? another thing u gotta consider is heat. i may be a 1st time grower but ive put alot of time into research, what kind of cfls do u have, wattage, and color type, like warm white, or bright white. and how many plants do you plan to grow, more plants mean tht ur gunna want more air goin in and out. let me know if any of this helps
good luck-pc


Active Member
idk that was just an example. how many plants do you think i could fin in something like that.(3x3x6=54cf)

anyother opinions on potency of autos


iv done autos and never had any problems with potency. it 1 hit quit just as my reg... plants. autos are very easy to grow you dont half to mess with the lights, and time is cut in half. but if your looking to learn about growing plants you need to read read read and do. the more you grow the better you get. i have autos and reg plants going just check out my link on bottom.

everything impressed me about the diesel ryder except for potency:bigjoint:


Well-Known Member
Just playing,

I can actually give you an answer on auto's i'm doing my first auto grow just out of curiousity to see how it goes as if i go on holiday i will run one when i get back for example.

I done my research and found the biggest yeilder and strongest one out there at the moment is the,


It's looking ok i've got 5 on the go under a 600w not bad. Will never be anywhere near growing normal seeds vegged etc.

But for quickness and low maintenance it serves a demand and certainly there is a market for it..''



sounds like you have a pretty legit system, i just got an old pc case tht i had layin around. i need to gut it out after this grow tho and restart from scratch