Autoflower Breeding: Question I'm sure seedbanks would hate!


Active Member
Had this idea and was wondering if it's able to work.

Idea: You buy a 10 pack of regular auto flowering seeds that are suppose to finish in 60 days. It's May 1st and you go ahead and germinate and grow all 10 seeds just to make sure you have males and females. Just to make this scenario easy say you get all to pop and get an even mix of 5 males and 5 females. You go ahead and trash 4 males and keep the 5 females (of course). Set the males aside quite a ways away for a few weeks. Say about 5 weeks into grow you grab 1 of the females and rub the shit out of it all over your male. Probably gonna have alot of seeds, no? Harvest comes up and you got 4 fems with no seeds that you dry/cure and keep for your smoking pleasure. The female that got polinated you just dry out and harvest the seeds. It should be early July sill right?

Now the question... Are these seeds that you harvested good to go back to soil to have a whole 2nd crop or is there something here im missing?

I'm new to the whole growing scene so I may be totally missing something but this to me sounds way to easy.

Any of you autoflower growers have any ideas on this. Comments and advise would be most appreciated.


Active Member
I'm a little suprised that nobody responded yet. Thought someone would jump on this quicly 1 way or another. Taboo subject? Stupid question? Everyone hates autos? Just kinda suprised that it has 30 views but not a reply yet.


Well-Known Member
Ok this is simple. Yes. When you rub the mail on the female it is having sex with it, making seeds. Those seeds are fertile. I have no idea what an autoflowering plant is, but all females will automatically flower in the right season. After being touched by a male seeds will come. Those seeds are just like any other.

Check out my blog, I'm growing some random seeds I got when I was back in my home state down south. Seeds are seeds are seeds. They'll grow. I'll have pictures up eventually.
budnoobie ya you would be able to turn around after harvesting the seeds from your pollinated plant and germinate those seeds and have you a second crop. I have done this in the past with alot of good turn outs. hope that helped


Well-Known Member
I just bought some regular autos and plan to do just that. Gonna try to grow them all year long. In a green house in the winter. :leaf:

With standard srains I just take clippings.:leaf: