Autoflower indoor to outdoor need advice.


Active Member
Hey all I just started my first grow of NL autos and they are coming along inside very nicely. I germed them a little over a week ago and they are starting to get their first set of true leaves. My idea was to have a full indoor grow since I can control all of my aspects and have really only read up on growing indoors. Now you may be asking why is this person posting in the OUTDOOR section.

Here is the problem, I had been searching for work and finally found some (YAY!). The issue is that I have my plants in soil and will be needing to leave for 3 weeks out of state to do training. Since I am going to be gone and nobody else knows of my grow I am trying to find out if they would survive if I planted them outside. Summer in my area just started and the days are long and warm sometimes hot. We get plenty of rain as well.

I am basically looking for some advice on what I should do as far as where to plant them. I am going to put them in an area of my woods that nobody but me walks in and planned on putting them in pots with FFOF because that is what they are in now and digging a hole in the ground and setting the pots in there. Any additional advice would be appreciated. I don't think I mentioned it earlier but I only have 3 plants that I need to plant. Thanks in advance!


Well-Known Member
transplant them into 2 gal pots at 10-14 days old. 3 weeks is kind of a long time so you better hope it rains a lot! FFOF is great, i grew some auto ak47 in that last year and they loved it.

this is an auto Jock Horror i transplanted last week.

good luck dude!



Well-Known Member
Another thing you could do is grab a gallon jug for each plant and poke a very tiny hole to drip onto the roots. "Very small drip would be key here." This way if its dry for a week they will get some water!! Good luck.


Active Member
It should rain enough for them, my concern is actually that it will rain TOO much. Would I be best off putting them somewhere they are going to get tons of direct sunlight? I feel like with temps above 80 or 90 being in that sun all day might end up just making them wilt and die.

I am really excited to start this job but at the same time upset cause I really wanted to see what I could do once I got some decent lighting and genetics. On the bright side of things I guess it was good I didn't start a journal cause then I could be upsetting a lot of people. Maybe once I am making some cash I will start one with a fresh shipment of beans.