Autoflowers in ffof


Active Member
How long will a three gallon smart pot of ffof feed a autoflower roughly before I have to go to bottle fox farm trio? Also plan to flush with sledgehammer.


Active Member
Any knowledge on how long ffof will last nutrient wise in a 3 gallon pot with autoflowers, and also how to feed trio after the soil runs out
I don't do soil but I'd guess about 3 weeks and when you do decide to feed with bottle nutrients follow the companies recommended feeding schedule at a diluted strength. Start with 1/2 strength.
Ok I'm going to use your info mixed with another guy's, I'll wait until week 5 to feed and do 1/4 strength, does that sound reasonable for a autoflows in ffof


Well-Known Member
I would switch to five gln pots. Better yield and here is how I feeding from now on with the Fox trio with 5 gln fiber pots. But so many opinions and ways it’s crazy.