Average Yield of YOUR grows?


Well-Known Member
scrog???plz explain..
AntcienAstro had it pretty good but I just wanted to clarify, Its pretty much using any screen, wheather you make it with string or buy it. I use 2"x3" garden fencing. You then place the screen approx. 8-12" above your plants. As the plants grow up through the screen, you pull the branches back under the screen and move them away from the plant and let them grow back up through the screen. You repeat this process on all of the branches until the flower stretsh finishes with your end goal being a nice even canopy. you do this so that you can keep your light nice and close and all of the branches get equal lite and you end up with a carpet of buds. I personally love this method and it is the only way I can grow in my space. If you are interested and want to learn more, swing by my journal. Theres tons of pics and info on it. Link is in my sig.


sadly, I'm only averaging @ 1/2-3/4oz per plant.... hoping to change that up on this grow, vegged till about 2.5ft, and topped a few times.... got five of those just starting flowering, so hopefully I can pull 2oz per on this one.