Awesome trained stoner friend animals


Active Member
Does anyone have any pets that are one of their best friends? and like when ever you get high or hang around you just hang out with the pet and are perfectly content as if they're a human?
I live on a farm, the animals are my only friends. It's ok though because I prefer it, animals don't force their opinions on you.
There are dozens of threads like this, we have a lot of pet lovers x

But to answer your question, my cat is my closest friend, loves ganja and the man in my life at the moment... The only one that doesn't fuck up. He knows doggy tricks, likes to talk to me, groom me and watches tv with a startling amount of comprehension evident on his felid face.
i had one too.......... my pitbull g, everytime i would light he'd rapidly hit his nose on my leg like he was sayin he want some..... it was funny, at first i thought he wanted me to jus pet him but he would smell the smoke in his nose come back and want more, then i blew it in his face and he would want me to keep doin it........ damn stoner pothead dog lol....... promise ya.... i kinda feel bad he aint here today, miss em,
damn hahah, have you guys ever gotten so high that you like try to talk to your dog or communicate using telepathy? HAHAH

Dude i just got these fucking parakeets, and as some advice to all out there:
if you want to buy parakeets, don't buy fucking parakeets
atleast mine, they are biggest dicks ever
living on a farm is definitely something everyone should experience, it's humbling. thats why i looooove living in good ol' Kentucky! I have a boston terrier who i havnt had a session at home without including him in about 3 years, he'll sit at my feet while i'm rolling or breaking some up for a bowl then when i'm done he knows its cool to jump up in my lap and get stoned as fuck with me and watch shitty day-time tv when i'm not working.
Yeah, my dog is chill as shit, and we have the same hair :D :D

I want a bear though :D
That would be THE SHIT.

And a Monkey :D
my dog might chew my shit, piss on the carpet, shit in the house, bark excessively.. but i honestly feel the love and loyalty he shows toward me everyday
i love my dog Buster.. my real bestfriend

Buster Brown by +DROPZILLA+, on Flickr