azamax with feeding ?


I am about to treat my soil with azamax (gnats and or winged aphid infestation)
My question is, can i feed the plants with their regular nutrients and use azamax in the same time/watering or should i wait and do it it separatly
Thank you for the help.


Thanks Urgod, i had a feeling that would be the response..........nice looking plants you got there, ill post some of mine when my camera is recharged. That is if them girls survive to the end :)
I bought some of that stuff a couple hours ago and will treat tonight at 15 mils per gallon-1/2 a gallon per plant should do it i hope.
Stay high :)


One more question, i was thinking of covering the top layer of the soil with sand (horticultural sand) to seal the surface, after am done treating with azamax that is.
Is that a good idea or not ?


Well-Known Member
hahaha dnoob i am confident that your girls will survive. they look very strong and healthy and it seems like they need something more than aphids to kill. hopefully that stuff you bought will kill them, but if i was you i will definately do more than 1 treatment to make sure they are all cured. you can definately add sand on top of your soil. afterall, weed loves sandy soil. cant wait to see those photos man


I will post them this evening, in the meanwhile am sending ya an invite....Its monday night football, time to get blazed :)
Am out for now.

Carl Spackler

Well-Known Member
I read the entire pesticide label for this product (something everyone needs to do before applying anything) and it appears that you would be fine combining Azamax with a broad range of fertilizers. Like many other insecticides/miticides, it is considered a emulsifiable concentrate or "EC" in the pesticide-world. I suggest doing a jar test first. This is done by getting two glass containers and add the amount of product (Azamax) with nothing but water in the first container. In the second container add both your product and the amount of fertilizer you plan on giving your plant. Agitate both solutions by either stirring or mildly shaking the containers. Wait 5-10 minutes after agitation and inspect the containers. If there are any flakes, globules, layers or any other signs of seperation I would suggest a seperate application. The first container is for comparitive purposes. If they stay in solution and/or suspension (looks like milk) you will be fine. This isn't speculation. This is one of the things I do to make a living (licensed Cat.3).