Azamax works!!


Jus wanted to let anyone know who has problems with spider mites or other pests...that Azamax works really well.. I was having problems with spider mites in my cabinet scrog setup... i noticed tiny little white bugs in the beginning, but i kinda ignored them, until i noticed a lot of the leaves dying and being webbed up. Things started going downhill 1-2 weeks into flowering....first thing i did was bought a box of ladybugs.. works ok... But then i bought some azamax and noticed great results after few is what the plant started to look this scrog setup i have special kush on the left, and crimea blue on the right side.... the crimea blue was the plant that i thought was going to die.....notice the leaves......spider mites like to suck out all the juices from the plants..........i will put up a pic later with the results...



okay heres what it looks like 3 days just to let everyone know who doesnt know already, take care of any pest problems before it gets worse and its too late.......better safe then really happy, i really thought the plant was going to DIE.......oh yea, i used the azamax as a foliar spray.....



to be honest, i dont really know... I hope it doesnt.. if anything, you would just want to spray azamax once and then 10 days later, thats the directions on the box...ME, i sprayed the next day because i seen more mites everywhere on the top of the plants......but now i cant see anymore....i think azamax is organic??


Hey Catfish,

How much did you mix?
I was thinking of trying 1oz to 1 gallon and spray on and under leaves as well as ground and surrounding area.
Hopefully this poses no risk with harmful residue during the flowering stage. I read that it didn't, and that it is OMRI listed.


has anyone actually USED azamax during flowering and then harvested,dried and cured buds? If so do you think it ruined the taste or smell?


Well-Known Member
I've never used it in well otherwise. I mix in no pest strips so I don't get resistent mites.


Well-Known Member
mighty wash works too and there's abso-fucking-lutely 0 toxic poisons involved, and mites WILL NOT grow resistant to it.


Well-Known Member
has anyone actually USED azamax during flowering and then harvested,dried and cured buds? If so do you think it ruined the taste or smell?
There's a certain period of time that needs to go by between the time you spray and the time you harvest, I know with azamax it says something about using it to the day of harvest or something like that but these instructions probably don't take into consideration you're gonna smoke the harvest. I wouldn't use it past week 4 or 5 myself. mighty wash on the other hand you can def use up to the day of harvest and not worry about much, although I can't think of anyone that would spray on the day of harvest, if you have mites then they'll just leave the plant when you hang it.


Well-Known Member
Azamax works great but you have to stay on top of them and spray once every 10 to 12 days. I only like to use it in veg or maybe really early in flower if at all. It is waxy and who know what else. I dont want that shit on my buds. In flower I like to use Mighty Wash. Its like 98% water that has had electric currents ran through it or some shit idk. But it works like a champ, and they say you can use it up to a day before harvest, but hopefully you'll have them under control by then. Try to find some mighty wash the shit works and is gental.


Well-Known Member
use azmaz 2oz per gallon,mix some ivory dish soap liquid with it just a drop per gallon. raise your lights and shut of your fans for a few hours. soak the undersides of those leaves, so many ppl just spay the plants and dont really concentrate on the underside of leaves. Which as most of us know is where they live and lay eggs. Apply. 3days later apply again,3days later apply again. then you can go every ten days. I never apply after 4th week of flower. I use as a preventative every 2weeks even if I dont see any mites,but again not after 4th week in flower.