baby clones right now..ready for new clones off that for the 2010 outdoor grow


Active Member
Hey guys i have a real good question if somebody can please help me out..well a good friend of mine just picked up some g13 clones, has some strawberry cough clones from his current grow that hes about to harvest and something else as well..well he told me he'd give me some clones for next year to grow once the current 1's he has turn into mother plants..well im up in the northeastern part in ohio.i have experimented with growing outdoors and the best time to start i found out is in May..Well do you think that'll be to late though?..i was thinking if there only 5 inch clones now that he'll probably harvest in march and that will be to early for them to be outdoors..if somebody could help me out or has any prior experience to this let me know..these have to be grown outdoors because of where i live.thanks


Well-Known Member
I'm not sure what the questions is - how do you get from March to May? If that's it, indoors is the answer, my man. You can create a very simple grow box from a storage container (check out the indoor CFL forum). You can grow indoors until it's safe to move outdoors.


Well-Known Member
OK - if indoors is not an option, then...

I would put them in a container and watch the weather. If it's going to be below 50, but them in an insulated box (cardboard box covered with a blanket) or bring them inside. You'll have a few problems:

1. A sapling may not make it through these conditions.
2. If it stays cold for an extended period of time, the plant will not be too happy.

Your best bet is to grow them indoors until May.

Hope this helps.


Active Member
would i possibly be able to do somethin like growing them in containers but having the containers in a carboard box and say like a plastic wrap over the top so it could be insulated..thanks man


Well-Known Member
Not a bad idea - almost like an outdoor grow box. Although, you probably need something thicker than household cellophane; something that's used for green houses. Only issue is air flow; with a few small holes, you might be OK - need to allow air, but not cool down the box too much.

You'd only want the plant in the box when the weather is too cold. The whole operation will be touch and go, in my opinion. But, nothing ventured, nothing gained. Would be an interesting experiment/experience if nothing else.


Active Member
thats what im thinking..a few nice size descent holes should be thinking april would be perfect for that


Active Member
gotta m ake sure the temp is warm enough, when the time is right, regardless of how much sunlight you have you can block off the light, provided you dont have too many to cover to force into budding.....

thats what im thinking..a few nice size descent holes should be thinking april would be perfect for that


Active Member
build a cattle panel greenhouse. just google it. you can build one in a couple hours and the supplies are dirt cheap. you can make it as big or small as you want.


Active Member
i really do like that idea..but if its going to be in april or march i cant really have anything to noticeable because i don't want other ppl seeing it.kinda know what i mean..i got keep this on the down low for now