Back in the Closet... a 400 watt grow inside my closet, inside my DR60


Well-Known Member
Last day lights on!....

chop... chop...chop..... chop......

as I noted early in the journal I actually chalked this grow up as a fail. i have been picking bananas off 2 of the plants, but the female chromes are obviously stronger, i have some nice buds.

also the lack of nutrients throughout the grow def made the yield greatly suffer. this is why I am gonna do one more quick run.

all and all i will have some good bud and i am gonna do some hash this round too!


Well-Known Member
Last pics with HPS

the 2 on the left are finished. they will come down within the next 48 hours-- keeping a close eye on the trichomes-- all cloudy just waiting for a touch of amber to start.

The 2 on the right could go for a few more days, but Helga is coming down tonight ( she is gonna be made into hash ) <<back right -- and the front right is herming out. banana patches everywhere ( see how it dries and I may make hash out of it too, hmmmmph )

over all--:-|

New thread is gonna be called, "DR60-G13xHP-250W-SOIL-2GAL"

summer time means the 250 comes out!:shock:



Well-Known Member
Hmmmph, lights came on again.

Tonight I will let them sleep and gook up a little bit more......gook like goop not some chinese method. and if ur chinese and offended, I love thai food!

Tomorrow morning I will start the battle against the trim..............Alone..........



Well-Known Member
One is going to go another day or two.... I am going to collect some of the pollen from one of those giant polyploids to dab on a select female in next crop

pics of 3 out of tent

pics of bud on plant

pics of bud trimmed and ready to dry




Active Member
Congratulations on the successful harvest. Everything looks great and those polys are huge! How's the preliminary smoke?

What's the plan with the pollen? Are you talking about letting the plant go hermie in late flower??


Well-Known Member
yes I am talking about letting the plant go herm in late flower.... I have been picking bananas off for the past week, but then i realized that it may be smart to let one puff out and save the pollen.... try and make some fem seeds again on this next round if i find a solid female. I am gonna do a quick run while i gather up super soil supplies and decide what I'm going to do, if there is a nice female i will hit her with the pollen from the poly's.....


Hmmmph, lights came on again.

Tonight I will let them sleep and gook up a little bit more......gook like goop not some chinese method. and if ur chinese and offended, I love thai food!

Tomorrow morning I will start the battle against the trim..............Alone..........


Nice grow, always good to see another successfull grow happening! Good luck on your next run, peace.


Well-Known Member
So I am really bent outa shape about this last plant going herm.... it is the reason i chalked this grow up as a fail about 2 months ago. the plants in general greatly suffered from a lack of nutrients through the grow.

So, on the plant that is still in flower, already 4 days longer than the others-- it is herring out. It has seemed to stop producing resin and started to grow like i put it back in veg!!! WTF? I really wanted to try to save some pollen from one of the flowers and do some dabs on my next run to get a few feminized seeds, however my patience is wearing thin... very thin.. mainly for the reason I have 4 new plants showing face that are ready to rucking rock out.....

cut the herm or save the pollen? that is the question.

One more important thing to note. this grow was done with seeds that i attempted to feminize from another grow. obviously, if one of them hermes out, it is likely another will her out and instead of meticulously plucking all the bananas this time I will probably just let them go so I can get some nice fat fully developed seeds, I will just have to make sure that the one I pull the seeds off of this time was a full out female before she gets pollinated....

so after writing that i have concluded to cut the plant down. and get it hung up, dry ice through bubble should make some h3tti hash with this monster. tricks are cloudy, but they seemed to have just stopped producing so its coming down!!!!

any objections to this rant?


Well-Known Member
4.5 in less than 90 days from seed... oh ya 2 + g;s dry ice sift, 2+ seeds that are Feminized/HERM/Pollen seeds.....

All post welcome for all other threads here>>>>>>>


Well-Known Member
How did it all turn out? How much do you think you got dry weight?

It was impressive for a 2X2...have you thought about doing a scrog?

Anxiously awaiting your estimated and final numbers :shock:


Well-Known Member
DR60 growers!

Question A: Should I order DNA mean martian grean fem, OG #18 Fem, or Sensi Seeds Jack Flash Fem, shiva skunk Fem. (4 to choose from)

Question B: Should I say Fucka Fem Seed and get> Another Dr60, Sensi seeds Jack Herer, Mr. Nice G13xhp (what i am growing now), or one of the skunk strains. and begin either a bredding program or cloning.

option A is going to have me ordering seeds over and over. I will grow different strains but the most frequent I can harvest will be every 90-100 days. and it is yet to be determined The max i can pull out of this tent.

option b would allow me to harvest potentially every 60-70 days, but i would be adding a tent and loosing my stealth. I could not keep both tents in the closet I already have everything i would need, light, fans, to set up another tent. and if i set up 2 tents i could do all kinds of shit. however i then have a million other questions.... shold i clone, should i run a crop to make seeds, should i then try to fem seeds, should i get the new turbo clone mini or should i go with a 10x20 cut tray and some rapid rooters and just clone away. I could keep 2 mothers of different strains and just train the plants in the flower tent to keep an even canopy ( i fucking hate uneven canopy)

I have so much shit to do but this is all i can think about... i need to make a decision soon so i can move on.... please help

why wouldn't you be able to clone a few seed? i perpetually grew the same one and only fem seed for 2 years before i ordered more...they clone just fine...but in truth it is easier to just get reg seeds if you don't want to have to keep every strain growing that you want to grow out...


Well-Known Member
over 4.5 in jars. one is still drying and it was by far the largest and heaviest, but it also hermes out a little and even though it had the heaviest resin production in the beginning it really looked like it was trying to re-veg in the end. this could have been from light leaks or a number of other careless things, but most importantly i got a few seeds from her; that pollen is precious.

The most satisfying thing of it all is this candy diesel dry ice sift. It is absolutely fucking insane. first off the buds have a a mild diesel tasted that lingers more in your nose than you mouth. like after a big hit you just wanna keep exhaling out of your nose to taste it. it really smells like a cross of a candy shop and diesel. My girlfriend, who doesn't smoke, and when smells weed most of the time says eww but when she smelled this stuff says," eww thats potent, followed by the surprising, eww,, sniff sniff eww, sniff ,let me smell that again I think i like it"

I am a really impatient person, so curing is going to be difficult. everything dried nicely just after about 80 hours in the dryer. stems didn't snap but buds were cripsy. after 12 hours in jar they moistened up, so i have been burping every 12 hours and I cannot emphasize this enough!!!! they smell like candy diesel, some are very potent diesel most of them are mild though. the keif from the dry ice sift smells so funky!!!

I am really happy


Well-Known Member
Thanks everyone for sticking around.... OTM I will thank you again specially.....

neat pics of the clean up


>check wires splits and I broke down everything and got inside the inline as best i could with a vacuum.

got the new set up going

pic of the 400 compare with the 250> summer temps(around 78 inside my home and 79 inside my tent....:hump:

New grow comments welcome here.....



Well-Known Member
10x20 cut trays note I have to kind of link them together to get them to fit... the plastic pole connectors at the bottom of the tent make it a tight squeeze. I had to put a small slice in 2 corners of one tray to get them flush, but its a nice update for 4$ I would like to get something raised with holes and then have the ability remove a collection tray from the bottom, but the tent design really hinders this intention..


Well-Known Member
I have got to isolate one of these phenotypes. all of the plants have a floral smell, and of course smell like funky weed, however some of the buds have a smell that touches on diesel. not just any diesel, a really potent smell almost to the point of nasty. This is the weed that I dream about. the only problem is that all of the plants had some part on them that has the funk smell. with 6 main stalks on each plant it seems like the plants were actually having different phenos on one plant.. is this possible?

some of the buds became more mild over the past days in jars however some of them really smell like candy diesel.. i must isolate, it is my new life goal!!!!