BACK UP NEEDED Brown spots PICS + REP.....


Well-Known Member
Hey everyone,
A few of my plants have these spots on them im using a organic fungicide right now which has helped a little. Some of the plants are even getting warped and deformed.

Im not sure what the hell this is bugs, fungus, dont really think its PH.

HELP will be appreciated with rep .....:leaf:


Secret Jardin

Well-Known Member
Well from the pics they seem to be over watered for starters. You say you dont think its PH , but what is your PH?

I had a very similar problem my first 2 grows I was getting rust colored and brown spots all over my fan leaves. Turns out our tap water had a chemical added to it that is very toxic to plants, I cant think of the name right now but Ill Google it. and report back.

Anyway I switched to RO water that you can buy for like 15 cents a gallon at Wall-Mart in the big 5 gallon drums and have never had the spots return in any grow since then Hope this helps.

Chloramine was the chemical I was talking about eariler. The only way to know if you have Chloramine in your water is to contact your local water authority.


Well-Known Member
Hmm ok thanks yea i just watered in those pics i let em dry out and everything.

That could be true because when i use rain water instead of tap it seems to lessen.
Ph was around 5.7.

Thanks more info would be great.

Secret Jardin

Well-Known Member
Hmm ok thanks yea i just watered in those pics i let em dry out and everything.

That could be true because when i use rain water instead of tap it seems to lessen.
Ph was around 5.7.

Thanks more info would be great.
Ok then Ph is def part of your problem your Ph for soil grows should be between 6.5 7.0

Hydro should be around 5.8


Well-Known Member

Ok thank you i will adjust ASAP.


Will a PH prob actually do that much damage that fast....