Bad seeds

skippy pb

Well-Known Member
My seeds wont germinate i have like 8 or 9 between 2 wet paper towels and two plates. Then i put a clean washcloth that was damp on top of the top paper towel to retain moisture. Why wont they grow??


the chronicals

Active Member
try this method it's worked for me every time. Just put your seeds in a cup of water and put in somewhere where there is no light, like a closet, drawer, etc. Leave it there for 24 hours and when you check it again most of them should have cracked and sprouted... some may need more time. It's very simple and works great hope this helps.

skippy pb

Well-Known Member
I dont really know about the freshness there just seeds ive aquired from random friends smoking me up and some have sat there for awhile, in a dime baggy.

And as for the other method, could i do it with the seeds i already started to, or actually tried to germinate.


Well-Known Member
just wrap em up in a paper towel and spray the paper towel so that its wet and put them in a zip lock bag and put in a dark place and I guarantee this will work if it doesnt that means you have bad seeds

skippy pb

Well-Known Member
Do the seeds need air to germinate cause like in a ziplock bag its airtight so should i poke a hole in it or something?


Well-Known Member
seeds dropped in water for more than 12 hours isn't a great idea. Do the paper towel and zip-lock method. dark, warm environment, opening the seeds once a day to replace the air inside the bag, fill it back up a bit also.


Well-Known Member
I had some questionable seed a while back. I tried the paper tower between plates method and nothing in 2 days cracked or sprouted. I throw them in a glass of room temp tap water, and low an behold, witin 24 hrs all but one had sprouted. The last one was a dud... Give the water a try. from my own experiance, If the plates with the towels arn't in a warm place (I like it between 70 and 80 deg.) They take alot longer to germinate.

skippy pb

Well-Known Member
So I decided to do both and nothing from any of them. Out of the seeds directly in the water, one is floating and one has sunk. Both those seeds have little cracks/holes in them but no stem has reveled itself, atleast yet.

And with the paper towel method nothing really happened I see some cracks and stuff but nothing is protruding out of the seeds.

the chronicals

Active Member
give em more time and if they still dont sprout after a couple days i would try new seeds. the method works it may mean that your seeds are dead though


Well-Known Member
Ya, you could give them another day or so. If they don't crack under water within 24hrs, I would take them out. I heard that any longer then 24hrs isn't good for them.

the chronicals

Active Member
Ya, you could give them another day or so. If they don't crack under water within 24hrs, I would take them out. I heard that any longer then 24hrs isn't good for them.
this could be true...most of mine sproat after 24 hours and the ones that dont i usually toss but i have had a few that survived two days in water