Bag Seed Luck?


Active Member
Anyone ever yielded a lot, or something good, from plain old bag seed or hand-me-down seeds, etc., as an indoor grow?


Well-Known Member
I smoke a really nice midgrade.
It has very few seeds.
I would say in comparison the high is about 80% of bc kind high.
It is really close to kb but not quite there.

I decided to grow it.
I currently have 3 females in flower.
They are straight sensi (no seeds)
They look like some of the pics of the expensive strains that I have seen.

I also have a mom and a few clones.
The mom and clones are 100% female of course.

I would say that I have about 4-5 weeks before I can harvest.

The buds look awesome.
Resin everywhere.

Oh yeah and I am doing this all with cfl's.

I am probably one of the cheapest succesful growers on this site.

Oh yeah I almost forgot.
Ilikeblazin posted a thread about Dutch Seed Co.
They have a promotion to where they are giving out free seeds.

Happy growing


Well-Known Member
I vegged my 2 girls about 90% of time under CFLs (the other 10% was outdoors). I flowered about 80% outside and 20% under the CFLs. Pics are in my gallery or in the link below my name. Good luck.


Active Member
Im beginning to think, from hearsay experience and posts here- that bagseed isnt all that bad.

I know its good to get premium guaranteed seeds (assuming you can raise them to their full potential)- but for cheapo depot, I think bagseed, a good growing system to support 1-6 plants, and cheap CFLs (of correct spectrum and lumens) can produce good results for the self grower. I mean i dont think anyone will get like purple haze weed or White Rhino, but I dont think bag seed yields are all that bad. I think schwag or mids come out not-so-top-quality when you buy it because people just didnt take care of it in general, particularly during curing and harvesting. From the looks of it- you can get average-to-awesome weed just by taking good care of any seed. But I wouldntk now- im only noting my observations.

Has anyone just got plain old shitty stuff from bag seed, even though they took good care?


bag seed can bring great results.. just because it was shitty when you got it doesn't mean it was shitty when it was harvested or a shitty strain. many commercial growers use great strains to work with.. the reason it looks like it does when you got it (90% of the time) is because they want to harvest it ASAP. therefor its harvested way too early, shakin for hash makin, then either bricked or vaccum sealed( for bulk shipment). so the strain could be a super-strain but the commercial grower that grewit just took poor care of it. (all about the money for them) so in conclusion just because the bud that the seed came from suckedd doesn't mean the final product of a careful grower growing it wont be great in the end..