bagseed from mexico possibly oaxacan photoperiod question


Well-Known Member
need? no, want? maybe Bigmike13 is using one he built and he is not as far as i know. wackybagseedgrow. check itout. the su is fine, or even a widow. she will stretch but if she is for cloning then it wont make any difference. just taller clones, or not. just remember to keep and eye on the temps in the water of the clonner... peeeace


Well-Known Member
sk3tch3, you are probably right about "brick weed" as the last Oaxacan I had was very many years ago. Like 30+. Anyway, what we had in Oaxaca back then was beautiful and did get us high but it was in no way up there with any indica I have had since. Plus, what we were always getting back then was not sinsi. Tons of seeds so quality was not going to be the best. T'wood be fun to try some current produce from that part of Mexico since hybrids have really taken over.


Well-Known Member
sk3tch3, you are probably right about "brick weed" as the last Oaxacan I had was very many years ago. Like 30+. Anyway, what we had in Oaxaca back then was beautiful and did get us high but it was in no way up there with any indica I have had since. Plus, what we were always getting back then was not sinsi. Tons of seeds so quality was not going to be the best. T'wood be fun to try some current produce from that part of Mexico since hybrids have really taken over.

thats unfortunate. i cant help but think the "oaxacan" you were smoking 30+ years ago was guerilla grown for america and not cared for, eventually squashed into 100kilo bales and smuggled. from what i can remember is, .... wiat i cant so it must have been GOOD! lol, j/k. IMO the commercial stuff around cant compare, but true sensimilla land race from india def can. and i think that is what you are talking about. peace


Well-Known Member
Hi guys,
just an update on my little grow, I have proceeded to make a aero cloning box with some air stones and a plastic box.
The first cutting I have put in there has 2 roots, the roots started showing about a week after been put in the box. The other cuttings have been out in the box then. so I will probably have another week wait to get the roots going on that one.
The mother has been living on the balcony for a week now day and night. She is much happier outside than when she was inside.
I have a question about the mother though, it looks to me as if she is definitely flowering and not gone back into veg. I don't know how long the plant should take to go into veg or if indeed this strain would flower once mature.
I would be very pleased if she flowered just there in the balcony as I already have a few clones and it would be enough for now.

Do you guys think the mother will just carry on flowering? the temps here right now are really good, the sun is shining but the days are really long too.

some pictures for you to have a look.

Please let me know if you think this plant will just keep flowering and what you think it would be best for the clones. I was thinking indoor with a bubbler and 6:45/12 as suggested before.

here is a picture of the cloning box

here is a picture of the first roots


flower detail a couple of weeks under light with around 8/12 and a week outside

thanks again for all your help!!


Well-Known Member
:mrgreen: this put an ear to ear smile on my face my friend. leave the mom out side and see what happens. out of your clones pick the best one and save it, put her under 24h of light. nothing fancy, nice temps, circulation and light. simple. if the mother does continue to flower as she may very well do so. great! i love balcony grows. aside from the early morning and evening, your neighbors wont be able to smell too much. if you want to keep her going for SURE, check your daylight hours in you newspaper, then put her in a closet to compensate. like if it gets dark at 9 and sunrise at 6, then put her in the closet for 3 hours our so, 6pm to 9pm. you wont have to worry about ventilation so much as long as the flowers arnt too dence, then you will want to take appropriete steps against mold and bud rot. essiently you create a "dark" room for your plant. hope this helps.

also there are a couple grows of people using the 6.45/12 schedule and i think KP knows alot about it . it might be worth PM ing her


Well-Known Member
Thanks guys I'm trying my best here.
So sk3tch3 can you tell at all if it looks like it could be oaxacan?
Also I know it will have a longer flowering time but how long do you think it will be with the her being outside?


p.s. I have the only balcony at the top floor with no other balconies on either side so smell shouldn't be a problem.

At the moment she is placed so that she gets the sun in the am but goes in the shade at mid afternoon, you guys think she would be happier been in full sunlight for as much as possible?


Well-Known Member
some updated pics, gave her some bio-bloom yesterday she seems to love it :mrgreen:
I will probably repot her in a much bigger pot in the next few days.



Well-Known Member
my outdoor are in 15 gallons. looks really nice, that feed and transplant will darken her color. might be alil too early to tell but the leaves will have 11-13 leaflets and be skinny and dark. we will have to wait and see. happy growing


Well-Known Member
HI guys,
is the lady an hermie or just trying to preserve the species and got somehow pollinated?
look at the pics and let me know

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Well-Known Member
I am not sure if it is an hermie but I don't think so, it doesn't look like it has any male pods but it is producing a small quantity of seeds.
I think sk3tch3r said something about the plant producing some seeds anyway.
also it might have been contaminated by some males I kept alive for too long.
you can check out my grow of the clones of this plant and some pics of this plant here



First of all, don't expect great bud out of Oaxacan pot. It is pretty but not too good in the THC dept. It is sativa unless you have some hybrid but it sounds like sativa. As for daylight, as soon as you kick to 12/12 it will be a week to three to see the pistils but if you look real careful above the 5th or 6th nodes, you may see sex showing up now. Be patient and good luck with a grow of that strain. Coming from outdoors to in it will be interesting to see how long it takes to mature but it should be 8 to 10 weeks no matter what.
NOT TRUE AT ALL..In fact Mex has one of the highest potentcy potentials out there,It holds the potential to have a 13.5 THC content IF it is grown, handled, and dried correctly.
The fact of the matter is that Mex cannabis is LOADED with THCB( which makes the "2 toke type cannabis")
THCB hit you hard plays long and finishes with a kind easy let down which makes it very good as medicine since it does not keep a "Death Grip" on you all day.
In fact ME Xit is second only to Thi weed which is thought by many to be infused with hash oil so It is not an accurate comparison.

Mexican seed is a S African Durban X Pakistani Hash Plant then back to the Sativa as a cross. In other words 2/3 sativa and 1/3 Indica. That being said the seeds will produce plants with a little of each, or more sativa or more indica since that is all there is to be created from the gene pool.

I have isolated a very strong Pakistani Hash Plant Phenotype from Bag seed.
It is in it's 3rd week of heavy flowering and is looking outstanding with the smell of fresh hash in the air...

As far as an 11/13 light cycle? That is all I use from seed to harvest.
Clones included.

Trust Me Cannabis KNOWS when to bud all on it's own as long as it gets less sun than dark.I sprout, clone, veg, and flower all under 11/13

You will find that less seedlings will Hermni out under 11/13 as well...

Just my take form doing this for many, many, decades & years.


nice plant i got some mexi sativas going outside to. i dont know were in mexico they are from though