Bagseed Ghetto Grow. 3rd Attempt


Well i've finally got round to starting a journal. The first 2 attempts went quite badly (too much heat). I'm growing in a cupboard I have 1 x 36w PL-L lamp and 200w of CFL. A PC fan blowing the air around and a extractor fan extracting. I have a 150w SON for flowering if I get there. temps are between 67 and 74. Hopefully I will be able to share my baby growing and becoming a beautiful young lady with you. Any comments or tips please feel free to share. I think the yellowing of the leaves was because it was rootbound so I have transferred into a bigger pot so hopefully she will pick back up

2011-04-14 06.01.54.jpg2011-04-17 15.36.53.jpg2011-04-17 15.36.38.jpg


Well-Known Member
well now that u have ur heat problem under control, my first instinct was to tell u they need to be more at the 74 end, especially at this age for most of the day if u can swing it. rootbound at that size, no. looks like ur yellowing is either from overwatering OR u r growing in a medium with no nutrients??? How old is she? She is too small to be yellowing like that, its not normal & needs to be remedied quickly. R u checking the ph of ur medium?


She is about 2 and a half weeks old and i've been watering every 2 to 3 days letting it get dry about an inch into the soil before watering and watering till it drips out the bottom as all the advice i've read says to do. She is just growing in topsoil so that may be the problem. I'll add a weak nute solution tonight and see how its going in the morning before work. I will struggle to get the temps to 74 as i only hit 72 when its a warm day my house has next to no central heating.

Thanks for the advice and we'll see hiw it goes


Well-Known Member
ur welcome. here's a few tips, next time, plant ur seedlings in very small pots or party cups. Ur trying to guess watering schedule by having all that room/soil & 1/2 inch down is nothing; sounds like ur definitely watering too much. The best guage is water by weight, where u would water, lift ur pot to guage how heavy it is, then lift ur pot everyday, & when it is visibly light, ur ready to water. Unfortunately unless it is a small container for ur seedlings, that isn't effective because in a large pot, by the time u would need to water even using that method ur seedlings could be dead because of their sparse roots. And ur absolutely correct, u should be watering through. Well if ur temps r more like 67 most of the time, that is definitely slowing ur growth and again with those temps ur plants r definitely not using that much water in 3 days being that small. Glad ur adding nutes, try ur best to adjust other things as necessary.


Finally got round to posting some new pics. I gave her some nutes and cut down on the watering, (thanks to thexception) and she is looking a lot healthier. Some of the leaves are starting to shrivel and I'm unsure why, so any advice is welcome. Ph was about 6 when i checked yesterday after a watering.

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the most recent pics are on the left. In the second and third pics note the leaves starting to shrivel, is this nute burn? also it's been really warm here recently so temps have been getting just over 74 which she has seemed to enjoy. Anyways any feedback advice welcome as always


Well-Known Member
wow, night & day from where u were at! She rebounded wonderfully. In the pics with the light, why does it seem u have the plant to the back of the light, closer to the outlets holding them rather moved forward where the light is directly on each side fully?

Okay, u need to get ur ph up to at least 6.5, best 6.8, 7.0 would be fine as well. I think she may have a slight deficiency of calcium & possibly magnesium because of ur ph being so low, those might be present in ur soil but locked out. Do u have access to the product ph up or similar? U can use this to raise ur soil ph. R u feeding any type of nutes with cal/mag? exactly what kind of nutes r u feeding & how often?

The older leaves on the bottom I wouldnt worry about, yes probably from nutes, but overall ur new growth looks good. I think if u take care of ur ph & get it where it needs to be u'll be looking good. Thanks for the compliment btw :)


Well-Known Member
I'l be watching closely. I support all ghetto growers. Your lady girl is lookin great on the rebound. How long you plan on vegging?


I'm feeding baby bio at 1/3 strength with some nutri tomato feed at a quarter strenght to boost the PK numbers. Baby bio is predominantly nitrogen. I'm gonna have a look at getting some calcium and some magnesium supplements tomorrow and see if i can find ph up. The extra lights are clipped onto a reflector and that is as far back as I can get them. They aren't as bad as the pics make them seem but they aren't where I'd idealy like them. I will post some pics of the whole setup tomorrow for some better perspectives.

I'm gonna veg for another two weeks so she gets nice and strong. She's been through a lot in her short life and want to give her some time to recover.


I have now managed to get the ph up to to between 6.7 - 7 depending on where you put the meter into the soil. Is it normal to have differing ph levels within your medium? Currently i've got her on a 4 day watering period alternating the feedings with the same solution in the post above. Going to give her a watering when the lights come on and will take some pics tomorrow and put them up. I've got some pics of the setup i'm currently using and it is proper ghetto so i'm now looking into building a cabinet for her

Advice and feedback always welcome


2011-04-27 06.59.15.jpg2011-04-27 06.59.22.jpg2011-04-30 22.09.23.jpg2011-04-30 22.09.36.jpg2011-04-30 22.10.16.jpg2011-04-30 22.10.41.jpgInspecting my plants today noticed some odd discolouration anybody give me a clue it's only on a couple of leaves is it heat stress or nute burn? I don't think it's a pest problem but your help is appreciated. Also a few pics of my ghetto grow setup for y'all to laugh at



I posted the problem with the leaves on newbie central and the general conclusion was nute burn. So i flushed my girl and added a little superthrive at the end. Got a few more pics now but I'm just going to leave her for a week or so to let her use all the water in the medium. Will update with more pics and the progress of my girl in a week or so

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Just a couple of recent pics

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Only a couple of things happened recently. One of her fan leaves touched one of the lamps and is now dry and crispy. Gutted, I didn't realise how big she was getting, but still lesson learned and grow space rearranged. Secondly, I'm moving at the end of the week. So here's my plan to move Ashley to our new home. I'm going to be there at lights out which is 9 in the morning with a large box to put her in. She goes in the box, box gets sealed passive holes in bottom of box the size of a pencil. Move her to the new house, set up new grow space; leave in box till 3 in the afternoon, where I get her out into the light. Hopefully minimal stress for the plant, I'm planning on vegging for another week or so after the move to let her recover. Any suggestions on what I should do will be well received.