Bagseed Grow Harvest 2010


Active Member
Hey pheonix! Congrats on a well done grow man. I was just wondering, how long were you letting them dry for and how long are you planning on letting them cure? One Love.


Well-Known Member
thanks. i elt em dry for basically 4-6 days and then put them in a shoebox then put them into a salt and pepper glass shaker. pix coming soon. very dense buzz.


Well-Known Member
i decided to clip the lower branches which leaves me with i think 4-6 more branches and the main cola which im letting them go for another week. other people have been saying let it go for another 5-7 days which i am doing. if i had the containers and started in april and may this would be a deluxe harvest because i found another key thing for MJ and thats CALCIUM. when you get a chance to grow always leave the eggshells you have leftover in your watering pitcher through the grow. ive been changing water of coruse but man it sure does feed the girls what will keep them strong. taking new pix now of what they currently look like in the fridge i got em in. 2 days so far drying.
why do you have thumb tacks on that main stem?


Well-Known Member
trying out methods people have tossed in the air. and you can always grow again and i really got alot of thc to the buds because of it. if thats why.


Well-Known Member
looks just like my bagseed grow. try using molllases when u water it will help with flavor and frostyness next time


Active Member
nice man i jsu finished my first grow in the jar now smoked a lil tho good shit str8 sativa high and some ppl dont think you can grow dank from mid bagseed well ill tell them their wrong i did it any idiot who can read a book can thats how incredibly easy it is man i know why they call it weed forgiving plant i didnt water mine for a week one timee they were wilted i watered them 3 hours later they were looking better but i wont do that again almost lost whole grow


Well-Known Member
they look about the same and i used molasses and also got the last branches hanging. it was a mix of different highs because i cut it at different harvest periods. at 7, 8.5, 9, 9.5, 10 and 10.5 weeks all with a very nice buzz. we could easily just open up our own little bud depots and sell it or trade. make sure all bud is legit and not chemically altered or sugar coated etc. lol. im toked right now. all day and an energy drink. its like a hybrid high and then some. 4 hour buzz off 3 gb hits. power to the cultivator. all it takes is good management and nutrition. basic nutrition, you could grow a cannabis plant that kills! Mega your buds are beautiful. dont sound like competition. thats what creates war and so on. would love to grow millions of fields worth and share. and with the inventions we create do good things not put a price tag on shit and make some in debt and some with too much power. fail. lol government fails where normal people salvate.


Well-Known Member
ate some french fries. now have how bizarre stuck in my head. now im thinking about jupiter. think im tripping off the solanine in potatoes. thinking of an indoor cfl lemon kush grow. fukin parents...this was a nice experience man seriously. growing pot.haha. freedom. new pix of dried buds up close but im too fukd up. who wants to pass a blunt. im rolling...


Well-Known Member
here r a few pix of the last buds. i however only have 1 bud and a lil from the other. plus 1 more bud that i saved like 1 week before i cropped the last ones. nice harvest. look forward to another next eyar or maybe indoor cfl this winter. adios my fellow liberals.


Well-Known Member
haha Bagseed Kush. really i think names for weed is kinda offkey because people buy for the name sometimes and get jipped. its apparent in the quality of the bud and i even let people test smoke b4 they buy some off me. next year i plan on growing lemon kush or one of the few seeds of bagseed i have. fuk genetics. fuk anything. it all depends on how you grow it and cure and dry. period. regardless. l8