Bagseed, ONE plant, in a Cardboard box


Active Member
this is my FIRST grow ever ... im going to grow after i move .. but now im just going threw some trial and errors ... to get familirized with the procces

First i took the seed ...... wetted a towl ... and germinated it

in about a day .. the seed broke out .. the nex day the root was about an inch long .. so i planted it =] ...

i have added some nutes .. but i tried to put only a SMALL SMALL bit becauuse i wanna research more bout added nutes b4 doing soo ...

iv been useing tap water that i left out for about a day ... and so far
i see that 2 small little little little little little leaf coming out ...

im about 4 days or 5 days into plants it

2 day for germinating

2 days growing it + half a day ( its 6 oclock so meh dats half a day xD)

here is a diagram of how im growing it .. if u are intressted

i wil try to post pics soon .. but vista is a bitch and doesnt like to work with my cam ..


Well-Known Member
ya know what i'm saying? lol... hot.. and that light'll stretch them all out... if anything get some CFL's and better air circulation


Active Member
Day 2 ...

so far .. nothing speicall ...

it has grown about an inch ... with the first 2 leafs opened up .. and 2 more small leafs developing ...

da stem does a u turn and point down .. but dat has been there ever since it was there
aand i can see it already adjusting to a 90 degree angle

btw .. dont plants stretch for LIGHT ....if the light is right there really close to it .. wouldnt that give it enough light

cuz i know plants are pretty smart .. and they stretch because they know light is higher up .. but if they getting the light .. i tihnk it would be good

no ? .. then explian to me ..

also whats wrong with the air circulation .. its pretty good .. in my opinion .. air is always getting replaced
and i can controll the temps inside the box with my " vents "
at the top by closeing them to increase temp and opening then to decrease it ..
also my fan is on low .. so if more circulation is needed illl up the mode to high .. or somthing lll

btw thanx for the advices ...


Well-Known Member
Lmao. Dude. u seriously dont want to use Incandescent bulbs. Big waste of time. Just buy yourself some CFL's u can get the wicked cheap. i bought a 40 watt. One for $8. and it screws into a regular light socket.


Active Member
yea eh

accully i dont even know what CFL are -_- ,... but im willing to learn wtf they are

i know therre bulbs ... but liek i wouldnt know what to look for in a store

can u get me pic .. or the full name so i can google it ?

and wahts store?


Well-Known Member
Look up Compact Flourescent Lights. And youll find all the info u need.
Also. Look in the Grow FAQ about lights. And youll find all the info u need right there


Active Member
thanx for the help ...
well i searched em up .. and shyt .. and right now i wanna jump out my window -_- ...
i had a "Compact Flourescent Light" bulb this whole time ..
aaccully all the lighting in my house is a cfl shyt ..
dats SICKK
i dont have to shop or anything ..
btw how do i know how much watts it is ...
i have the twisted one .. like normal sized one ..
.. how would i know the wats ?


Active Member
you will probably need a couple because u want to grow some good stuff not just any stuff. when the plants get bigger they are gonna need more light. im new to growing but i know enough from my friends. but invest a lil money in some flourex lights they put out a lot of lumens for their wattage and their a good spectrum for vegation. a 65 watt will produce about 6000 lumens


Active Member
yea i have enough of those around my house and extra
butthe thing is
i have a LAMP for light. . and i dont wanna use like lamps for the lights ...

but i dont know where to get those things dat u put bulbs into .. ..
can anyone tell me .. ? .. i dont want to have like 3 lamps around a box.. datts SOOO bait ..


Well-Known Member
go to Lowe's and buy them they are cheep you can also get a y splitter to hold more then one bulb at a time here's a pic of what we are all calling cfls




Active Member

oaky sorryfor not replie for a while ...

its been ,,, hmm about exactly a week .. and ever since i lowered my clf to about 0.75% of an inch since its only 13 watts ...
i will be investing in some new four 27 watt cfl ...

okay so plant doesnt seem to be stretching ... because i lowered the bullb really close ( it was really far from it b4 ) one thing i noticed also is that
its greener ... which i tihnk is a good thing ..

the stem seems to be more firm .. as i touch it ... it isnt as weak as it was b4 ...

i water the plant every time it gets damp ... i put my finger about an inch into the soil .. and if i feel a cool temperture then i ussallly water either at that time or 4 hours later ...

buit i heard somthing about ... lettign the soil dry everytime b4 u water it ..

should i do that?.. i heard it help root developement ... by making them stretch and go further out and look for the water ...

should i water everytime the soil is dry?


Well-Known Member
instead of a cardboard box u could get a rubbermaid container and it would be less likely of a fire :shock: good luck


Active Member
DAY4 ( 1 week and half later )

sorry for REALLY slow replies ...

Okay so its been like 2 weeks now ... and my plants is doing good .. from my eyes..

the colour of it is nice .. dark green .. it has leafs growing from everywhere

about 14 nicely developed leafs ( medium to big ( size ) )
and about 16 really small leafs on there way ( really small to about a small size )

i have a couple of concerns tho ..

1. i have been seeing small little brown spots. Its not yellow .. so im not over feeding it or underfeeding .. but its a brownnish colour .. as if its burned ..

now im thinking its my light because i keep my light REALLY close to my plant .. about 0.25 inches from it .. cuz its a weak light ..

so im guessing thats what it is ...

WherE? : well its not in the middle of the leafs or anything its at the side .. like the TIPS ... and only about 3-4 leafs have em .. and there the ones closest to the light .. and there is only about 1-3 small tinny spots at the side ends of each end

what do u guys think it is

ALSO .. i tend to notice that one side of the plant aways shootsup .. lol its wierde .. itd be like on a 130 degree angle

BTW im going to try to sneak this plant into my mthers room and take some nice pics of my sexy babby and ill post em up .. but no garentees ... ( vista sucks for not letting me use my cam ) because i know this is like a puzzle for you guys to figur out what im saying .. buit im really sorry ..

YOUR HELP IS SOO HELPFULL =] !! keep it coming


Well-Known Member
wow..... try reading the bulb... you can read right??

and toss those plants they are worthless.. not trying to be a dick, but you are just wasting your time, take some time and research how to grow marijuana then try..