Bagseed Revegg, Mg, Cfl


Well-Known Member
yeah she got a thick canopy.
I won't be cutting any healthy foliage, but I do pull off dead or leaves the plant doesn't want anymore.
Just a slight upwards tug and if it pops off it does, but if she's holding on stronger than that, then it must me she wants to keep it.

I will be doing a staggered harvest though, there are a lot of buds on the inside that are not gonna mature in time, so that's how I combat light penetration lol


Well-Known Member
wish I could get a pic of the stalk. I can't even find it lol just one of the side shoots looks as thick as a dime.

Flo Grow

Well-Known Member
Damn, look at that stem !
It's ALMOST as thick as my D*%$ !! lmao
You gotta clean as much as possible from down there.
You're asking for mold, rot and a few critters to come have supper.
May not happen though.
I hope not brotha !


Well-Known Member
but yeah I feel ya. meant to do that today but got busy. really gotta clean her up a bit.
just to try and give some reference to size of stem, those aren't like 3"net pots....those are 8"starting pots, meant for soil but I used them in my design because I wanted a strong root structure before the roots dropped into res. That way I dont have to be as gentle when turning pots during vegg or moving her around for pruning.
Seems my idea worked perfectly :D


Active Member
Nice PWizz!! They are some pretty good looking plants consider they r BagSeed, i have 3 BagSeeds going too and that stem is fcking BIG an THICK!!! ayh Flo is right, clean some of that stuff out before you get unwanted guest!! I found a little Red bug on one of my leafs the other day, kinda freaked me out but since i killed it, i havent seen any more. and nice idea wit the 8' pots, wish i thought of that!!

+REP Bro!!!
!:leaf:!~*Stay High*~!:leaf:!

I edit this because it wont let me +Rep you...??


Well-Known Member
Looks great. Next time use a root hormone and your babies won't yellow and use it's stored energy as much. Mama looks awesome. And cutting the hours is smart, it saves $ and shows that it's getting near winter time and packs on the weight to attract a male before the season is over.
i grew some bag seed my first time, the plants looked really pretty. the buds had shades of pink, and lots of hairs and trichomes. but when i smoked it it didnt taste that good and didnt get me that high.thats when i vowed to never grow anything but good genetics