Bagseed, Soil, and CFL's: a Growing Adventure

Hey all. I've been browsing the site a bit, and figured I'd post my own journal up here. This is my third grow/second harvest. Grow 1 was dumped into my lap, so I was unprepared. But I pulled 35g's off a hydro plant, and a couple male buds and some seeds, but the bud was quite smokeable. Grow 2 turned out 2 males and 1 female. This soil female became a mother and was given to a friend. This is grow 3.

working with a closet, basically a 42"x20" footprint, 5ft tall.
Fox Farm Ocean Forest soil, and basic nute line, I'll add the soluble trio if/when I get the cash
two taller ones are in 3gal bags, small one in 2 gal bag, LST in 3gal maxipot

I'm still using this grow to learn, as much as I'd love some tasty nugs from this grow, I'm more concerned that I will be able to produce tasty nugs when I leave town, or in case my no longer available.

Anyway, ONTO THE GROW! The two taller plants came from a bag of mids (50 or so seeds per ounce) and the other two came from some high-grade no-names, lucky to find a seed or two in an ounce.


Here are a couple vegging shots, not all made it the flowering stage (:evil:balls :evil:)

1st week of flower, now that the males are gone:

here are some more shots, pictures are worth a thousand words. And a thousand words take a while to type. :rolleyes:

Week 2 of 12/12:

By the end of week 2, the short plant and LST stopped stretching and starting poppin' their pistils out for a show. The taller plants kept stretching for the next week before they really kicked in the pistilsl. By this point, the others were starting to fill in some nice buds.

Here's the short plant, filling in a bit:

days later:

And an early bud of the LST:

And some early buds from the tall ones:

Look at the short one grow!

I'm excited for this grow, and I hope you are too! Feel free to comment away, I'm happy to answer any questions I can!

Stay Green, RIU team


So, let's catch up here. By the middle of week 4, two of the plants really picked up, and I got some great pics:

The taller two were STARTING to build up their buds, but nothing really picture worthy.

By the end of week 5 (day 35) I made time for another photo shoot.
The taller ones are in full budding mode now:

And the early two are continuing to shine:

That about brings this journal up to speed here. The last pics were taken on Monday (day 35 of 12/12), so I'll be taking more soon enough. Thanks for checking me out, feel free to leave a comment!

Stay green,


Active Member
looking great cant wait to see ur harvest outta this...

nicely done with all CFL's looks like they dont even need more then 3 lights a plant..Ill be around!
looking great cant wait to see ur harvest outta this...

nicely done with all CFL's looks like they dont even need more then 3 lights a plant..Ill be around!
Thanks man! Harvest should be in a week or two, so you're not gonna have to wait too long!

It's been a while since there's been an update here, so here are some pictures:

Starting off with my favorite Zombie Bush cola

ZB's hairs are starting to turn orange on the left; the LST supercrop bud is on the right

Some bud porn. mmm. ZB on the left, Stretch on the right.

I liked this shot of LST's buds

left, Stretch cola right

I was able to get 4 of Stretch's prime nugs together for a groupshot.

I'm noticing the calyxs are really starting to fill in on Zombie Bush a few days ago, and the LST today. They're both lagging behind Stretch and Squat on resin production. They've got a week and a half to pick it up...

Now if you'll excuse me RollitUp, it's time for me to roll a J and get better aquainted with this site!
Anyway, good news I forgot to post yesterday: BEANS!!

So many beans, so little space...

Since the harvest is drawing near, I'm inspecting the plants more often, looking at trichromes and pulling them outta their garden for more thorough lookie-lous. Unfortunately, Stretch is starting some male flowers on her cola. Nothing major, but I may use that as an excuse to cut her down "early". I put that in quotes because most of her glands are cloudy, but I'd rather see more amber before a chop. Probably Thursday or Friday I'll cut Stretch, and perhaps Zombie Bud's cola. It's looking about as done as Stretch, and the other buds could use the unobstructed light. I trimmed some foliage to let some more light down; the ZB tester definitely needed more light on the lower half of the bud. Lots of the glands are looking ripe, but I still wanna see more trichs, and I'm hoping they'll fill out a bit more, I'm afraid all the buds are gonna dry too wispy and airy.

But I ramble, or so it seems to my flighty eyes. Here are a couple pics I snapped, just 'cause. Anyone think I post too damn many pictures? Haha,
hermie Identified! and some hash from trimming testers, and scraping my microscope!

Notice anything different?

Bring on the bud porn

This little lady was really working that camera! I ended up with enough pictures of this one bud, that I almost dedicated an entire post to her. But then I settled with these two

I really fucking like that red wall. Whew, I'm baked. Have a great night forums! :bigjoint:
On day 60, I took down Stretch and Zombie Bush's cola. Stretch was starting to hermie and ZB's cola was just huge, blocking the light. The rest of the Bush came down Monday, day 64. She was around 10% Amber, maybe a little less. But from smoking a bit that came down early, even uncured, is still pretty badass. It's got a nice warm body sensation that just flows.
What more can you ask for?

Here are some close ups from the harvest

and some REALLY close ups, through the 30x microscope

And this is what's left

Squat is looking pretty, but damn, she's thin!

Any questions, ask away. I'll be posting final results with dry weight, total veg time, total flower time, starting/finishing heights, smoke report, and most importantly, what I learned from this grow, and what I think I could've done better this round. I will even compare ZBfrom day 60 to the ZB cut at day 64. Until then, I'm just trying not to smoke it all!
ALright folks, they're all down now, so I should post the last update. First up is the Chopping of the LST Tops. She was showing deficiencies all over the place (too much flush perhaps) and she just looked like she wanted to be taken down. So we compromised and I took her tops off.
I took them off this past Saturday, the 27th, day 70 of 12/12. Here they are

I decided to let her celebrate a bit

And then BAM! Her tops came off!

Here is a bud

The before and after

Since then, they've dried and are in the jars, weighing almost 1 ounce, just the tops! This shows the advantage of LST, and the lights right next to the buds.

Yesterday morning, I Chopped the Squat. I had to get to work, and my fingers were sticky as hell, but I managed a couple shots.

And I just like the way this one turned out

Snipped off the "popcorn bud" from the LST, which was by no means popcorn! I kept the "stem" intact, mostly for shits, but it's also a lot easier to see the general shape of the plant, now that the buds aren't in the way.

The before/after trim

And how about some budshots of the earlier chops...

Zombie Bud

LST main cola

and finally, Squat. God, she's gorgeous.


That's all for this grow, I'll be posting smoke/grow reports, final weights, lessons I've learned, and what I think I could've done better. That'll be at least a month while these lovely ladies cure to beautiful nuggets. I'll be starting some Mikado seeds, and possibly some new mothers soon enough, in the meantime, check out my BlueBerry Box.

Oh man, quick update. Stretch has been curing for about 2 weeks now. I checked on her this morning, after keeping her sealed tight for a while. She's curing very well! :blsmoke: She has the soft, sticky feel of a well cured bud. Still smells a bit like nutes, but I'm definitely starting to smell the marijuana through it all.

Also final weights are in:


60 days
17 grams

Zombie Bush

60 days 64 days Total:
10 grams 11 grams 21 grams


tops nugs
69 days 73 days Total:
25 grams 15 grams 40 grams


72 days
17 grams

Total harvest: 95 grams (3.4 oz) = $1100 saved, + a big ol' satisfied grin!

A couple of Stretch's nugs managed to hide when I was putting it all back in the jar. :bigjoint: Had to smoke her this morning. Weeee! Great wake-n-bake weed, quite energetic, and it, well, I'm flying! Tomorrow: moderation. :rolleyes:
yeah man, no prob. I had 8 26watters and 4 42 watters for a total of 364 watts. In the last couple weeks, I switched it out to 6 (26s) and 6 (42s) for a total of 408 watts. Thanks for the kind words my man!


Well-Known Member
Nice Grow man! Very enjoyably to read and look at. And NO you can never post to many pics.
question for ya.......Did you put your ladies through a dark period before you harvested?
Thanks BrownTown, glad you enjoyed! No, I didn't really do the dark period thing. I don't have the space for a separate grow area, and with staggered harvests, I couldn't make it work. I'd like to try it someday, though. Thanks for poppin' in man.


Excellent stuff mate, best journal i've seen! Never too many pictures when they look that good.

It's encouraging because i'm about to start my first grow and it's good to see you can get so much from just cfls.

Which bulbs did you use for which periods (I mean like 6500k or 2700k etc)?

Keep us all updated on your next grow!