Ballast fault,light been off all day,wot to do?


Well-Known Member
ok so when i got up this morning my 600watt hps was on but when i got home around 5pm the light was off! i unplugged it then tried it again but still not working.
i left it about half hour then tried it again and it came on:hump: however this is the second time this ballast has failed to turn on the light and im actually on my second one as i took the other back to the shop.
i have about 1 week left in flowering so im wondering do i harvest now incase the interuption in light has freaked my plant out(i dont want it seeding or anything) or do i leave it running and hope it doesnt go off again?
im defo gonna take the ballast back and upgrade it as this is a major problem!
its a parlux 600w incase anyone is wanting to know.

most of the hairs are brown and about 90% of the leaves have gone yellow so should i just harvest now and take the ballast back or sit it out another week?

all help much appreciated!



Well-Known Member
Man im sorry idk what to tell you! that sucks i would harvest if there is only a week left. Bud is Bud and can cure in a jar or try to get them to fix your ballast!


Well-Known Member
thanks man, i know its not good :( im defo gonna get it swapped for a better ballast,its been nothin but trouble.i really wanted to flush for another week but i might end up choppin tonight lol


Well-Known Member
you know anyone else of your friends that grow because maybe you could bring ur plants there if you don't mind putting a little stress on them also depending on how tall lol


Well-Known Member
you know anyone else of your friends that grow because maybe you could bring ur plants there if you don't mind putting a little stress on them also depending on how tall lol
lol well there about 5 ft and i even bent the tops,the light is back on at the momment but will it come on tomorrow? who knows lol im gonna have some food then decide whether to hack the bitch down.


Well-Known Member
ahh 5ft you could fit that in a saden lol yaeh i would probably chop them but its almost the weekend so i would see if they will stay on because over the weekend you can be at home and watch that sob of light you got


Well-Known Member
Sucks bro...


How old is the bulb?

How long is the cord from the ballast to socket?

Is it possible that you have too much amperage on one breaker?

An average 600W digi HPS runs 5.5 amps, with a 6.5 amp peak startup. If you have a bunch of other crap on the breaker... That might be an issue...

The cord from the ballast to light is only 15 feet for a reason, any longer and there's too much resistance in the line.

If the bulb is old, or burnt out, what you're describing will happen.

Since this has happened before, and the same thing happened, my guess is it's not the ballast... I've only had two mess up on me, outta more than 30... (Friends included) and after I had them rebuilt, no problems... But that's with the brands "Futurebrite and Lumetek"


Well-Known Member
i feel sorry for the homies who be somkin wood
but im going to keep smoking till i feel my peek or until my body feels week!
Best luda song of all time song!

I have seeds for blueberry but not sure when i will plant them


Well-Known Member
Sucks bro...


How old is the bulb?

How long is the cord from the ballast to socket?

Is it possible that you have too much amperage on one breaker?

An average 600W digi HPS runs 5.5 amps, with a 6.5 amp peak startup. If you have a bunch of other crap on the breaker... That might be an issue...

The cord from the ballast to light is only 15 feet for a reason, any longer and there's too much resistance in the line.

If the bulb is old, or burnt out, what you're describing will happen.

Since this has happened before, and the same thing happened, my guess is it's not the ballast... I've only had two mess up on me, outta more than 30... (Friends included) and after I had them rebuilt, no problems... But that's with the brands "Futurebrite and Lumetek"

its a brand new light system,well about 6 weeks old. from wot u just said i think it might be that im running 2 lights off 1 2 gang extension. a 250watt hps and 600watt hps both conected to the same timer switch.
do u think this is a bad idea?

oh and btw i ended up chopping it lol
im guessing 9oz dry haha we'll see


Well-Known Member
i feel sorry for the homies who be somkin wood
but im going to keep smoking till i feel my peek or until my body feels week!
Best luda song of all time song!

I have seeds for blueberry but not sure when i will plant them

hey ive got 2 blueberry's vegging right now! only 2 n half week old lookin sweet:hump:


Well-Known Member
thank you luda.... whats so hard about growing them by chance?
They dont seem to hard to grow,all i can tell u at this point is they grow a bit slower than my white widow. Luda is right tho, its very easy to smoke. Not so easy to leave the sofa afterwards tho haha