bamboozled by mother Nature


Active Member
Mother nature is a bitch! In April I moved 3 seedlings outdoors and into my garden (northeast Ct.). At the same time I started 3 plants in my indoor GH ecogrower. While my female to male ratio sucked (1 fem inside and 1 outside), I had a lot more luck indoors, obviously. Actually it was no comparison. It is now late Oct and I am way into my second indoor crop and my outdoor girl has just been fucked by that lesbian bitch mother nature. After spending the last week keeping my girl from freezing at night (temps have been dropping to 30 degrees F) by lighting tiki torches, that whore of a mom decided to blow a tree over into my girl. She killed it! Whore! The tricombs had a about 2 weeks to go. Alas I took my woman in and tied her up to dry. In a few weeks we will see how strong she is.