Ban white people

White people are not your problem, but racists definitely are.
By racist, I mean anyone who thinks they are better than whole races, or that other whole races are inferior to you simply because of their race.
Doesn't make it true but I had Buck on record in my signature as a racist. Also you spend enough time here and have seen him ask for a picture of my elbow just to prove my skin color like a racist.
UB has a dislike for racists, as it should be.
He also hates pedophiles and people who would view child pornography...again as it should be
White people are not your problem, but racists definitely are.
By racist, I mean anyone who thinks they are better than whole races, or that other whole races are inferior to you simply because of their race.
By your definition, black people can be racist too.

People with beliefs you describe aren't a problem unless the racist has power to act on their beliefs. Some differentiate this as malignant racism, I think it's simpler to just include the power component into the term racism. In that light, in the US where nearly 70% of the population are white, there are virtually no black or brown people that are racist. This could be different in South Africa, although, don't white people still control most of that country's wealth?
By your definition, black people can be racist too.

People with beliefs you describe aren't a problem unless the racist has power to act on their beliefs. Some differentiate this as malignant racism, I think it's simpler to just include the power component into the term racism. In that light, in the US where nearly 70% of the population are white, there are virtually no black or brown people that are racist. This could be different in South Africa, Although, don't white people still control most of that country's wealth?
I agree.
By your definition, black people can be racist too.

People with beliefs you describe aren't a problem unless the racist has power to act on their beliefs. Some differentiate this as malignant racism, I think it's simpler to just include the power component into the term racism. In that light, in the US where nearly 70% of the population are white, there are virtually no black or brown people that are racist. This could be different in South Africa, although, don't white people still control most of that country's wealth?
So you're saying it's ok to be racist as long as you don't have the power to act on it...?

I apologize but that's a pretty ridiculous assertion.

Saying there's no racist black or brown people is bigoted and a stereotype all in itself.

PEOPLE are bigots and PEOPLE are racist, regardless of their skin color.
UB has a dislike for racists, as it should be.
He also hates pedophiles and people who would view child pornography...again as it should be
Well I have never viewed child pornography. I also hate pedophiles, racists I just feel bad for.
By your definition, black people can be racist too.

People with beliefs you describe aren't a problem unless the racist has power to act on their beliefs. Some differentiate this as malignant racism, I think it's simpler to just include the power component into the term racism. In that light, in the US where nearly 70% of the population are white, there are virtually no black or brown people that are racist. This could be different in South Africa, although, don't white people still control most of that country's wealth?

Absolutely, I see it daily. White people sadly for you isn't some corporation with secret white people meetings and shares and profits. Yes there are rich people who are also white, normally family money that is earned over generations, and low numbers of offspring. My folks started out with almost nothing but high school education but did well for themselves. As long as you went through life without asking too many questions, you could get by. You are still slave class, but at least own your own house, are in control of which medical services you receive etc.

Before the nineties, it was impossible to get a good education as a black pupil. Today, it is still the same, but because of completely different reasons, most own goals, like a teachers union that basically do as it wants to, with no inspections allowed etc. Jobs for money and so on. Since the nineties, the black middle class has started to outnumber the white middle class.

This, however, has not been on the back of new innovation or trade, but the space left by many racist whites who left the shores and affirmative action. Yes, we have affrimative action against the minority population. It is a very complex issue, with lots of guilt on both sides. My daughter is 5 and goes to school with all races, and have no concept of segregation or otherness.
So you're saying it's ok to be racist as long as you don't have the power to act on it...?

I apologize but that's a pretty ridiculous assertion.

Saying there's no racist black or brown people is bigoted and a stereotype all in itself.

PEOPLE are bigots and PEOPLE are racist, regardless of their skin color.
If a person holds racist beliefs and doesn't harm anybody through those beliefs, why should anybody care? He's hurting himself by shrinking his world on a false belief. From what you said, you'd shame a person for their beliefs even if they had never harmed anybody through them.

What are we, the thought police?
I'd prefer they be open about it, then at least we can give them the ridicule they deserve.
We grew up hearing you can say anything you want to, as long as you know people have a right to respond. Well, not black or brown people, but that was the old South Africa.

I remember getting a hiding for calling the black gardener the neighbours had, uncle. We call all older people uncle or auntie if you are Afrikaans. It wasn't that they even thought about it, it was just how it was.

Went to the dentist, no black people, went to the beach, no black people, went to the shop, no black people... they had their own shitty versions they all had to go to... So it is understandable that they are highly sensitive and suspicious, especially the young ones who never went through it, have no idea how good they have it now. With opportunities like free or subsidised education, reduced intake requirements for tertiary studies, child grants for offspring, free state medical care.
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If a person holds racist beliefs and doesn't harm anybody through those beliefs, why should anybody care? He's hurting himself by shrinking his world on a false belief. From what you said, you'd shame a person for their beliefs even if they had never harmed anybody through them.

What are we, the thought police?
Define harm.

Does it include excluding people from say a job based on the perceived ethnicity of their name?

To be honest, I'm trying to understand your point but I can't find a single example of where a person could have strongly held racist beliefs and not discriminate, everyone has "power" somewhere.
Define harm.

Does it include excluding people from say a job based on the perceived ethnicity of their name?

To be honest, I'm trying to understand your point but I can't find a single example of where a person could have strongly held racist beliefs and not discriminate, everyone has "power" somewhere.
I'm hopeful we can carry on a discussion over differences without degrading the conversation into expletives. I trust that you won't. I'm more interested in having this conversation than the other, I can tell you that.

Absolutely excluding somebody from a job is harmful, which is why I used the words virtually no racist black or brown people in the US.

Louis Farrakhan preaches odious and vile rhetoric about "white devils" and said that Hitler was a great man. Is he racist? I don't know if he's actually harmed anybody with those words. Maybe. He's certainly a bigot. That said, his church's focus is on elevating the status of his followers, not tearing down whites. I'm open to discussing this more. My point is, what harm has he done? Is he the face of the problem we have today? I'd say the face of that problem is Trump and his white racist supporters.

If one looks up the general definition of racist, it's simply the belief in superiority of one race over another. But that's not how the word is generally used and I think appropriately so. If you want, call it malignant racism. I find that term clumsy. In general, the word is used to describe the nearly suffocating condition imposed by white people on black and brown people in this country. And so, I attach the word racism to the problem. Let bias, prejudice, bigot be attached to the others, I'm saying the problem we have in this country is with white racists, who although they make up only 30% of the population, are huge in number relative to the population of black and brown people.
So you're saying it's ok to be racist as long as you don't have the power to act on it...?

I apologize but that's a pretty ridiculous assertion.

Saying there's no racist black or brown people is bigoted and a stereotype all in itself.

PEOPLE are bigots and PEOPLE are racist, regardless of their skin color.

if black people can be racist, name all the systems of oppression they have implemented on white people in america then.