banana/apple compost?


i got a friend..and hes been known to stretch the truth, and he said he took a few apple cores and banana peels and blended them together with dirt, and made a dirt/banana/apple smoothie and added it to the dirt and it helped grow his plant bigger than his other ones. is he telling the truth or pork pie lies haha


Well-Known Member
Hes lying.

You dont want to add that much uncomposted material (greens) to plants directly. As they decompose, without the presence of a lot of dried plant material and heat, the greens will invite bad pathogens as it rots and releases acids which could damage your roots and stems. His sold would have been gooey and nasty and gotten nastier as he let it sit there in sub 140 temperatures and lots of moisture.

I have been composting for quite a long time and know a lot about it. You do the same thing and tell me what your results are. What have you got to lose? Bananas and apples are both cheap and rather tastey.


well i actually tried using 1/3 of soil, sand, and tea from teabags and just that little bit of tea destroyed my roots so im never gonna experiment with wierd compost again unless i KNOW it wont hurt my plant.


Well-Known Member
The only way to know for sure it to experiment.

Bottom line, dont put compost type item in your plants unless you cannot identify it as something other than dirt or the odd bit of stick. If it looks like dried plant material, dont use it.

Also, tell your friend that hes full of shit and dont take advice from him.