Banana experiment


Active Member
I was thinking of this idea;

in a pot, have a layer of soil, then a thin layer of mushed up bananas and then another layer of soil on top that i will plant a seedling in so that when it grows older, the roots will hit the decomposing banana and gain a hell of a lot of nutrients. What do you guys think?

I will probably start this experiment tommorrow so anyone have a reason why i should definately not do it? thanks.


New Member
I wouldnt put anything down my pants...

Why wouldnt you blender the bananna befor eyou put it in. If you are going to throw fruit in your pots, at least make it so they decomp fast.


Well-Known Member
I was thinking of this idea;

in a pot, have a layer of soil, then a thin layer of mushed up bananas and then another layer of soil on top that i will plant a seedling in so that when it grows older, the roots will hit the decomposing banana and gain a hell of a lot of nutrients. What do you guys think?

I will probably start this experiment tommorrow so anyone have a reason why i should definately not do it? thanks.
try a minno. fish would have better nutes then a banna. it is how the indans use to grow their corn. by putting a fish in with tyhe corn seed. when i lived in az i planted some seeds where we buried our dead dog. the plant grew very wellbanna's are high in p.
eighter way you will have to deal with the smell. gl on your grow.