Banana skins, much benefit to using them?


Well-Known Member
Hello i have a plant outside in a large pot that was planted in basic to good quality soil, i have just used mainly distilled water for watering although on a handful of occasions during vegging i fed it human urine mixed 10 parts with water for extra nitrogen, and also later in its life a few times so far i have been giving it water from my fresh water aquarium which is apprently quite rich is what is needed by the marijuana plant. i have probably 8 bananas skins lying on top of my soil in the pot decomposing as i type. I have heard that adding banana skins to the soil can be benficial becuase it breaks down reasonably quickly and is a decent source of potassium and phospherous, will this system give me and kind of buds that are nice? i know its very amateur and cheap but thats what i am! lol if you have had any experience with using bananas or using a very cheap nutrient system like mine then please let me know. plus rep for helpful tokers, happy trails



Well-Known Member
I don't really know the exact benefit of adding banana skins to your grow but I do. I have hundreds of banana trees on my farm and use all plants of the plants in my compost. As to just adding them to the top of your soil I don't know how much good you will see this grow, some I am sure. In the future you might try adding these to the soil before you pot your plants giving them more chance to break down and to feed your soil and microorganisms. I just know that since I have started using the bananas in my compost I have obtained better results easier. Best of luck to you in your grow.


Active Member
I know an old timer who takes the old, brown, nasty bananas that nobody will eat, freezes 'em and as needed slices off slivers and sinks them into the soil.

Like those tree spikes.


Well-Known Member
Add bananas to your compost heap - along with grass clippings, kitchen vegetable peelings, teabags, coffee grounds, leaves, males etc. Leave it for a year, water and mix often.


New Member
If you want 'cheap' but very effective I would probably urge people to use bat guano if they are not already using it. I suspect it is about 10 bucks for 500g over there or something and you can mix this with about 1000 times the volume with your soil.

It surely is the king of waste.