bands that toke?


Active Member
I was listening to Queen + Paul Rodgers’ new album earlier and I was wondering to myself if any of them used to toke up. I mean I know that they were around during the same time period as led zeppelin and stuff like that and went through the era of that whole drug movement, but I never read anything about them smoking bud or anything like that. Anyway, the new album is great if you haven’t heard it yet. My favorite track is on their MySpace right now. Give a listen to “C-Lebrity”.



Well-Known Member
Im sure they at least light up their share of joints and what not. dont know if they are life time tokers though.


Well-Known Member
ant speak for the rest of the members of queen, but freddy was not anti-drug.. as a matter of fact, he used to throw lavish parties where they had literally everything anyone could want.. Freddy loved excess.. he wanted to try it all and he wanted it all.. so yeah, Freddy toked up and did drugs.. I don;t know about the rest..

How does teh labum sound? I can't bring myself to listen to queen without Freddy..


Well-Known Member
alot of bands toke it up man, id recommend tea leaf green to anyone who cares to check them out, great band with a sick guitarist.