banned from stonerhaven

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It does not pay to speak out if you're a conservative here - or if you find homosexuality offensive. Nothing will get your banned quicker; that's why you could not melt me down and pour me into the Politics or Spirituality and Religion forums.

the chick who banned me for playing an anti-gay member was herself a fan of mark levin, an anti-gay conservative bigot who called the supreme court's ruling which made sodomy legal and protected "judicial activism" and named the judges who will one day legalize same sex marriage as "tyrants" and "extremists".

i think she was just embarrassed when i pointed out that her favorite and most trusted political commentator was a bigger bigot than i was pretending to be.
the chick who banned me for playing an anti-gay member was herself a fan of mark levin, an anti-gay conservative bigot who called the supreme court's ruling which made sodomy legal and protected "judicial activism" and named the judges who will one day legalize same sex marriage as "tyrants" and "extremists".

i think she was just embarrassed when i pointed out that her favorite and most trusted political commentator was a bigger bigot than i was pretending to be.

That shit really fucked with my head, too. I like where the StonerHaven admins hearts are at, but they need to read up on the stuff they're backing. It got ugly. Quick.
UB, what about a person that condemns bestiality or pedophilia; would you consider that person a "bigot"?
Pedophilia is not homosexuality. Being offended by some men touching each others pee pee's is ridiculous. Being offended by adults abusing children is completely acceptable.
Sexual paraphilias exist throughout the history of modern mankind, in ancient civilizations, and not so ancient ones, fucking animals is ritualistic.

*there, changed it
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90% of pedos are straight men after young girls. Ppl seem to forget that. They don't forget the 10% who are after young boys though. Why do you think that is?
UB, what about a person that condemns bestiality or pedophilia; would you consider that person a "bigot"?

are you honestly trying to compare a consenting relationship between two adults of the same sex to the brutal and unthinkable act of pedophilia?

what in the fuck is wrong with people?

gay people look for a partner. pedos look for a victim. you tell me which deserves condemnation.
the chick who banned me for playing an anti-gay member was herself a fan of mark levin, an anti-gay conservative bigot who called the supreme court's ruling which made sodomy legal and protected "judicial activism" and named the judges who will one day legalize same sex marriage as "tyrants" and "extremists".

i think she was just embarrassed when i pointed out that her favorite and most trusted political commentator was a bigger bigot than i was pretending to be.

I'm very aware of how conservative the members tend to be and that is why I would have loved for you to join in the conversation as yourself and with real arguments. I'm confused as to your tactic of appearing as a quote gay basher.:confused:
That shit really fucked with my head, too. I like where the StonerHaven admins hearts are at, but they need to read up on the stuff they're backing. It got ugly. Quick.
Did it? I haven't been able to find any of the deleted posts. Who is this girl btw?
are you honestly trying to compare a consenting relationship between two adults of the same sex to the brutal and unthinkable act of pedophilia?

what in the fuck is wrong with people?

gay people look for a partner. pedos look for a victim. you tell me which deserves condemnation.
bongsmilie Now why couldn't you post something like that!? I promise you that if you join as yourself and make arguments supporting your cause that you will be treated with respect. I am in the minority on staff who doesn't support banishments but I am stubbornly going to beat my drum that arguing is what politics is all about and that you cannot have a solution without a problem.

the chick who banned me for playing an anti-gay member was herself a fan of mark levin, an anti-gay conservative bigot who called the supreme court's ruling which made sodomy legal and protected "judicial activism" and named the judges who will one day legalize same sex marriage as "tyrants" and "extremists".

i think she was just embarrassed when i pointed out that her favorite and most trusted political commentator was a bigger bigot than i was pretending to be.

If this is true then post the mark Levin topic and let the opinions fly- it's the only way to raise awareness that people are still so bigoted. tbh the reason they claim you were banned is because they don't tolerated gay bashing.... the post they left made you out to be the ignorant basher. :weed:
If this is true then post the mark Levin topic and let the opinions fly- it's the only way to raise awareness that people are still so bigoted. tbh the reason they claim you were banned is because they don't tolerated gay bashing.... the post they left made you out to be the ignorant basher. :weed:

thank you, mellow!

but i can almost guarantee that i would be banned almost instantly if i started a thread that said "mark levin is an anti-gay bigot".

that thin-skinned preening narcissist puregro1 would have a fucking conniption and start doing a dance to try to hide the fact that he(she?) is an ardent right wing moron and supporter of bigots, and too dumb to even know what views he(she?) supports.

puregro and roofwayne are too chickenshit to even admit that i never used a single insult against anyone, and was only preaching the views they claim to not support, but which they actually support.

i might try it tonight under a new alias if i get bored enough though. :razz:
the chick who banned me for playing an anti-gay member was herself a fan of mark levin, an anti-gay conservative bigot who called the supreme court's ruling which made sodomy legal and protected "judicial activism" and named the judges who will one day legalize same sex marriage as "tyrants" and "extremists".

i think she was just embarrassed when i pointed out that her favorite and most trusted political commentator was a bigger bigot than i was pretending to be.
thank you, mellow!

but i can almost guarantee that i would be banned almost instantly if i started a thread that said "mark levin is an anti-gay bigot".

that thin-skinned preening narcissist puregro1 would have a fucking conniption and start doing a dance to try to hide the fact that he(she?) is an ardent right wing moron and supporter of bigots, and too dumb to even know what views he(she?) supports.

puregro and roofwayne are too chickenshit to even admit that i never used a single insult against anyone, and was only preaching the views they claim to not support, but which they actually support.

i might try it tonight under a new alias if i get bored enough though. :razz:
Yes, I feel that although the title shouldn't get you bannished that it would be better recieved titled 'If Mark Levin Suffers From Homophobia Should He Be in Power' or something softer. It's just a different audience that will take more kindly to a less aggressive appearing approach. Also, please just be yourself - I promise you that if you are banned just for signing up as Uncle Buck then I will start the thread on here and there proclaiming how wrong that would be. :bigjoint:

I have seen Pure come a long way since I have been there but it has taken finesse UB- I understand your shock tactics but imo they are a waste of energy in this situation. :peace:
:blsmoke: Here's my motive- I believe that our cause has become so fractioned off by various pro cannabis activist groups that would do so much more if they all joined together. ASA, NORML, DPA, MPP ETC ETC
I see our political debates as a way for patriots to hash things out with the end goal being a nation we can all be proud of again. The thread you trolled was ironically on how Liberals and Conservatives actually have very similar goals but very different ideas on how to accomplish them. Every one gets so blinded by labels that they have difficulty listening to an idea from a label they don't identify with but if this great nation is to struggle through the hard times approaching us we need to diligently tear down the walls and unite on moving forward in Peace.
My point was that you claim someone is a "bigot" because they don't agree with something you endorse. Just because you call someone a name doesn't mean they are; it's just a reflection on your intolerance of their higher standards.
My point was that you claim someone is a "bigot" because they don't agree with something you endorse. Just because you call someone a name doesn't mean they are; it's just a reflection on your intolerance of their higher standards.

your "point" likened those who would seek a consenting, adult partner to someone who would fuck a little boy or girl in the ass.

the fact that you would liken a homosexual to a pedophile does not reflect any "higher standard", it instead highlights a mountain of ignorance and stupidity.
haven't you called me a "nigger lover" several times in the last two days?
You are constantly insulting people, making lying remarks, putting words in peoples mouths and being an asshole in general. The worst thing I could call you is "unclebuck"; everyone here with a shred of intelligence despises you. Your only "friends" are other trolls. Enjoy seething in your hatred.
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