Barack's Windfall Reversal


New Member
Hey Med ... I have a very simple question for you: Do wages come from production, or do they come from profit?

Here's one for you, does profit come from labor? The labor produces the product and the capitalist sells the product for profit. Wages are a cost of doing business and are not considered a part of profit, granted, the less wages an employer has to pay, the more profit in the parallel circumstances, hence the desire to get rid of good paying Union Jobs, excessive Profit, or as us workers like to call it, Greed.


New Member
Score one for Med, he's right about that one.

What about these greedy people who cut their labor in half forcing their workers to do twice as much in half the time? All so they can stuff even more money in their bank accounts, more crap in their homes, and more food in their face.

The thing about capitolism is yes, you do dine at the trough when times are good, but when good times go bad, you shouldn't expect the rest of the country to bail you out, you should sell some of those assets and call it a learning experience.


New Member
Here's one for you, does profit come from labor? The labor produces the product and the capitalist sells the product for profit. Wages are a cost of doing business and are not considered a part of profit, granted, the less wages an employer has to pay, the more profit in the parallel circumstances, hence the desire to get rid of good paying Union Jobs, excessive Profit, or as us workers like to call it, Greed.
The workers can produce up the ying-yang, Med, but if what is being produced doesn't create a demand in the marketplace, there will be no sales. Ask the UAW workers if they should have been thinking about improving the company's bottom line, or how much they produced. In short, wages come from profit, not production.

By your logic, billions of dollars in wages could appear out of thin air by producing billions of hula-hoops.



New Member
The workers can produce up the ying-yang, Med, but if what is being produced doesn't create a demand in the marketplace, there will be no sales. Ask the UAW workers if they should have been thinking about improving the company's bottom line, or how much they produced. In short, wages come from profit, not production.

By your logic, billions of dollars in wages could appear out of thin air by producing billions of hula-hoops.

No, by my logic, not one widget could be sold unless someone made it. They in turn are called "Workers". They should be justly compensated for their work.


New Member
No, by my logic, not one widget could be sold unless someone made it. They in turn are called "Workers". They should be justly compensated for their work.
And if there is no demand for widgets, where does the money come from to pay the wages and benefits? In the case of the UAW, the CEO's are trying to hijack the taxpayers and have us foot the bill.



New Member
And if there is no demand for widgets, where does the money come from to pay the wages and benefits? In the case of the UAW, the CEO's are trying to hijack the taxpayers and have us foot the bill.

Where was your indignation when they were handing out billions to millionaires, the CEOs of bankrupt or on the verge of finantial companies? When a few million blue collar jobs are going down the tubes, Oh well. Slap bing bang pow.


New Member
Where was your indignation when they were handing out billions to millionaires, the CEOs of bankrupt or on the verge of finantial companies? When a few million blue collar jobs are going down the tubes, Oh well. Slap bing bang pow.
An even better question would be ... What were the UAW leaders thinking when they were attempting to hold up the corporate stockholders in an attempt to garner unrealistic wages and benefits for the union members? Certainly, they weren't thinking about keeping the company doors open. And now what are they looking for? ... a bailout handed over by the U.S. taxpayers.

The fault lies at the feet of both managment and labor. Chapter 11 and a complete reorganization is in order here.



New Member
I read in interesting article yesterday. A woman was pregnant and found out that her job was shutting down in 2 days. She called her doctor and had her labor induced so her baby would be born while she still had a job and medical coverage. She did have the baby before the job closed but she still receieved a bill for 18 thousand dollars, it seems her employers health care didn't pay it. Then she started receiving bills for other appointments for before that time. She had been paying $67 per week to her company for insurance, but apparently they weren't forwarding that money to the insurance. Now she's stuck with a bunch of bills she should have been covered for and she has no job. She would also like to know where her health care money went, it would seem to me that her company was charging the employees for their health care and then KEPT THE MONEY.


Well-Known Member
when you are a laborer you compete with laborers from mexico.china..india are NOTHING SPECIAL..YOU CAN BE REPLACED...most UAW workers have no skill's that is why they are singing the blues..when the auto company closes up on them they wont be employable anywhere else in the economy...a man goes to his ass off his whole life..and you some how think you have a right to his income stealing off of his hard work....bush just saved the unions for a couple of months..chapter 11 is on the way..then the end of the UAW...the car companys will still be around..:fire:


New Member
They got their bailout and I bet they're right back here within 4 years. I think it's a crock. The CEO's should be selling their own assets to save their companies. They get to keep their homes, cars, bank accounts, all their stuff. It's not right, it's not how capitolism is supposed to work.

Bush still has a little over 3 weeks left, I wonder how many more screwings the taxpayer will take in that time span.


Well-Known Member
this isnt how its supposed to work? SURE THIS I HOW IT IS SUPPOSED TO isnt fair..the losers should not be subsidized by the winners of the economy..that includes banks...companys auto companys unions or anyone else..if you cant make it you fail..if you..use corporate law to your advantage..then your private income is protected from a bankruptcy..see i can build a company up ..go get loans pocket the money and then file bankruptcy on the company without it affecting my personal assets..i have never done that..but ive seen alot of people do it...hell people with credit cards and debt do it all the up a bunch of shit..max everything out then file bankruptcy .....i know alot of people who have done that..i know one lady who filed bankruptcy three know what happens to all the people she owe's money to? they DONT GET PAID...WHAT HAPPENS TO A CONTRACOR WORKING FOR ONE OF THE BIG THREE OR A RETIREE LIVING OFF OF THE BIG THREE'S POCKET BOOK?THEY DONT GET PAID..i not fair...but it all works like a monopoly the end of the game there i three losers or so..and only one winner...everyone else is broke...ive seen when i was a cry when i took all their property and day..maybe you will understand..:leaf:


New Member
I see where you are coming from. Step on anyone to get to the top and then sit alone with your arms around your giant pile of money wondering why nobody likes you. Sounds fun, have a good time always wondering, does that girl like me, or my checkbook.

I'd rather not screw people over in the name of greed. It's really a shitty way to live, rather sociopathic actually, "I'm the only one that matters, me, me, me, me, me, me, me, me." I feel sorry for you.


New Member
I see where you are coming from. Step on anyone to get to the top and then sit alone with your arms around your giant pile of money wondering why nobody likes you. Sounds fun, have a good time always wondering, does that girl like me, or my checkbook.

I'd rather not screw people over in the name of greed. It's really a shitty way to live, rather sociopathic actually, "I'm the only one that matters, me, me, me, me, me, me, me, me." I feel sorry for you.
Geeze, someone that gets it. Yeah, that's what they're all about, the big fat Me, spoiled brat big kids that never learned the lessons of compassion.


Well-Known Member
I see where you are coming from. Step on anyone to get to the top and then sit alone with your arms around your giant pile of money wondering why nobody likes you. Sounds fun, have a good time always wondering, does that girl like me, or my checkbook.

I'd rather not screw people over in the name of greed. It's really a shitty way to live, rather sociopathic actually, "I'm the only one that matters, me, me, me, me, me, me, me, me." I feel sorry for you.
i live in the REAL world..and its not like MTV...just like i said before..for years..perhaps not to you but others..when ross perot was running for american voter had a chance to change the course of this disaster..that you were warned about...but you you are going to bawl baby over something you helped cause? do you remember when perot was talking about the trade deff? and the national deff and budgets and what was going to happen from it if we didnt do something about it THEN?..i bet you dont are about to learn you a good lesson...along with alot of other i feel sorry for joe six pack loosing his job at the UAW?HELL NO....didnt they vote for and support clinton who signed NAFTA AND GATT and gave permanent most favored trade status to china..who do you think they did this shit? because their corporate pay masters wanted them to do they could get shit built cheaper and make more are the one who buys this shit that makes them rich we have been doing is trading our currency..borrowed currency for their depreciating asset's pretty good deal hu? screw your currency up for worthless junk that wears out...americans deserve what they get...andme knowing what i know am going to poffit from it...when joe six pack is loosing his ass..his money is going to end up in my pocket..along with some others..sorry to break the truth to you..for everyone loosing a dollar in the stock market..someone else is making a dollar...