Barely into week 2 (Help)


New Member
Hello, so this is my first grow. I've just hit the week 2 marker yesterday and on that day I noticed yellowing of some leaves on the tips. One of them is a bit paler than the other, but both of them are showing yellow tips. I've been using tap water simply because my tap water has been a perfect 6.2-6.5 pH level, I also pH test once I have all my nutrients mixed to know it's good. I think it may be a nitrogen deficiency from what I've researched, but I will gladly take any advice from you fine people!

GSC strain:

Strawberry Cheesecake strain:


Well-Known Member
Hi there! ok, you say your water is 6.5 is that the ph of the soil after watering or is that the water? remember stuff in your soil will change the ph big time. It also looks like its the beginning of lockout, it happened to me this year and it gets worse until the plant recovers somehow? (I've had it happen) or it drys up and dies. the first telltale sign is the size of the plant. you'll have fast growth up to the point of sickness and then it drops off


Well-Known Member
What type of LED? brand? If its just a cheap Amazon 300 watter, you need to know the draw from the wall outlet. Chances are its more like 100 watts.

Once the actual wattage is known you can determine how far to keep the light away. If its 300 watts of Cob Cree or Quantum board LED, yeah, keep light 30-36 inches away for now. If its an el cheapo I'd bring the light 20-24 inches away.

looks saturated, having the light where it needs to be with good air circulation will fix that plant.
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Well-Known Member
What type of LED? brand? If its just a cheap Amazon 300 watter, you need to know the draw from the wall outlet. Chances are its more like 100 watts.

Once the actual wattage is known you can determine how far to keep the light away. If its 300 watts of Cob Cree or Quantum board LED, yeah, keep light 30-36 inches away for now. If its an el cheapo I'd bring the light 20-24 inches away.

looks saturated, having the light where it needs to be with good air circulation will fix that plant.
Well that was unnecessarily racist.

old buzzard

Well-Known Member
what kind of soil are you using?there is usually plenty of nuts all ready in the soil for the first the wrong soil could have to much nuts for the seedling and burn it.Have you all ready fed the plants?


If your water is like you say " perfect 6.2-6.5 pH level " it could be softener build up that's burning your plant.


New Member
Apologizes for not responding, I went ahead and moved the plants closer to the light which is a cheap Amazon LED 300 watt. I didn't turn on my exhaust for a while simply because of the noise and no place to properly vent it at the moment, but it's at least venting out the air in the tent.

Both of these are auto flowers, and the GSC has dramatically grown since moving the might closer and turning on the exhaust fan full time. My Strawberry Cheesecake didn't see a as dramatic growth, but the yellowing of leaves has seemed to stop. At work so can't provide photos, but is it possible I need to flush my Strawberry? I'm using Ocean Forest soil.

Question now is do I I trim the yellowing leaves and flush? I don't think it's bad enough I'd have to worry about an auto not recovering quick enough.