Barneys Farm Pine apple express auto day 7


Well-Known Member
you should have no need for nutes until week 3 most of barneys seeds like nute's but you should have enough in the soil until its established
yummmy strain


Well-Known Member
Something you might want to look into for future auto grows: starting in the final pot. It seems to be what most people recommend for autos, so you don't introduce the potential for transplant stress. Every stress can seemingly reduce your yield since these plants supposedly have a certain number of days they will go to finish.

So it seems that the consensus is to start out in 3-5 gallons pots for the whole grow.


Well-Known Member
even in a little pot 1 gal or so if you can keep your plant fed proper you can get good results trick is to not over feed
this strain is the only barneys strain thats hermi'd on me with out my consent
i burned it and it popped balls on me
and they take longer in larger pots but you do get a larger plant its all about fine tuning to your needs and space requirements


middle of week 3 updates papple3wk2.jpgpapple3wk.jpgpineapple3wk.jpg

these are day 21
pineapp25..jpgpappleday21.jpgView attachment 2645846View attachment 2645847pappleday21...jpg

Here she is on week four. Day 25pineapp25.jpgpineapp25day..jpgpineapp25....jpgpineapp25day.jpgView attachment 2645860

End of week 4

Hey everybody sorry i havent been keeping up..Ill post weekly from here on...Today is day 30 but im not taking any pictures.Il post in a couple days. She is ab 18 -20 inches. I have another journal ive been keeping, and Im definitely looking for any potential hermie issues. but as of now shes looking good. The pistols are popping up everywhere. I dont plan to switch to bloom nutes until the end of week 6. Ive been using Bio Root from the start and bio grow from around week 2/3. Ive been reading around and have decided to try to incorporate molasses into this grow. I fed her on the last day of week four the grow nutes and a spoon of molasses in the mix.



Just updating. My babies bottom leaves got burned the last time I fed her. Im going to feed her strait water the next time or so , before I switch to flowering nutes at beggining of week 6.


Well-Known Member
you have to feed lightly this strain hermi's fairly easy fron nute burn if it does pop balls just let it finish and you will have fem seeds :p