Basement setup

Hello everyone im new to this site and im startin a new grow in the next cople weeks, i pretty much have everything i need to succed. I was just wondering if i will need ventilation other than the vents leading outside my grow box? like will i need to ventilate my basement? im not worried much about smell im just wondering if the vents leading outside my box will suffice.

Thank you for your time


Well-Known Member
you will need fans to pull air in and suck air out of the vents in the box. as for ventilating the basement itself it depends on how well ventilated your basement is now. the only way to tell is to go ahead and try - if your temps get too high in the basement then you'll need to add an exhaust.
Thank you very much, i think ill be ok when it comes to the temp. i was just wondering about the circulating air in the basement, i have two window, i plan on having the open often, plus i keep the air conditioning on in my house alot.
One more thing, im new to this site, how do you customize your profile to say what u want at the bottom of your post? thanks again


Well-Known Member
Chicago bulls avatar, signing things with THE SUPERNOVA, not knowing how basic ventilation works but saying you know everything. . . . . . I smell fail. You're on your own dude.