Basic Design on a 2 foot wide and long box and 33 inches deep...

I have set up my grow box. its deminsions are 2 foot wide , almost 2 feet long and 33 inches deep. I have a floresenct warm light and CFL 23 wattin there currently. I was wondering what would be a good way to keep it cool.. i am also thinking about getting a 250 watt hps and need some help with cooling my box. right now with no ventalation or anything my box is hitting almost 95 degrees in there any suggestions on what kind of fans and were i should place them.
I got two little desk fans I am going to use in mine from my local store. I am going to make cardboard tubes and line them flush with the sides and tape them real well at 90 degree angles to avoid any light escaping. Maybe this will help?


i am not a expert by any means, but i think that is not enough space whenever u use a hps...i have a 400 watt hps and am using an entire bathroom and it gets warm without ventillation. 2 feet wide and 33 inches deep would work with the cfl's. i would cut some holes and mount two fans, one to suck air in and one to push it out...that might work
i used your setup.. i have a fan going in... and a fan going out. I have one warm whit florescent and one CFL in the box and it stays at a 83 degrees ... is this to hot?
i used your setup.. i have a fan going in... and a fan going out. I have one warm whit florescent and one CFL in the box and it stays at a 83 degrees ... is this to hot? i


Well-Known Member
i used your setup.. i have a fan going in... and a fan going out. I have one warm whit florescent and one CFL in the box and it stays at a 83 degrees ... is this to hot?
i used your setup.. i have a fan going in... and a fan going out. I have one warm whit florescent and one CFL in the box and it stays at a 83 degrees ... is this to hot? i
its a little too hot......dont get any hotter!



if it was taller you could throw a 250 watt hps in there it would have been perfect