Basic single grow

I'm using cfls I'm going to upgrade to 4 63w 2700k's

I wouldn't call that an upgrade. Go hps like everyone is shouting in your ear to do. Buy used. But your wasting time and money on cfl.

And whoever said paint it flat white knows what their talking about. The closest and best substitute for mylar
I'm a broke mutha trucka livin in a townhome I can barely afford cfls let alone a hps or led or the sun as a matter of fact I'm doing what I can and hope for the best I'm going to invest in some Mylar very soon
well i dont no what the prices are there but were i am for 4 23watt cfls u can buy 1 150 watt hps ballest then all u need to do is buy cords abd light set ya back about 30 bucks
How much will they cost?

Got a pic of your grow area, lighting set up so far?
The 2 55w cost 12 each and the 2 43w cost 8 each then the 23w were like 3 bucks for 4 cfls. I spent less money and equaled a hps in wattage y'all say it's cheaper after you buy all the bulbs but with the supplies for the grow room was 50 and the bulbs about 40 add that up I could've had a hps but check this out then id have to spend an additional 50 for the room supplies so I'm pretty sure I saved money on this.
I'm a broke mutha trucka livin in a townhome I can barely afford cfls let alone a hps or led or the sun as a matter of fact I'm doing what I can and hope for the best I'm going to invest in some Mylar very soon

dude I am also on a budget, I bought three 400w HID ballasts that came with three MH bulbs and reflectors for R450, which equates to $45. I built my own air cooled reflector for $20, and thats with polished stainless steel. If we lived in the same area I would probably have given you one bulb and ballast since I only need one, but look in your local classifieds for high bay lights, they are dirt cheap second hand.
The 2 55w cost 12 each and the 2 43w cost 8 each then the 23w were like 3 bucks for 4 cfls. I spent less money and equaled a hps in wattage y'all say it's cheaper after you buy all the bulbs but with the supplies for the grow room was 50 and the bulbs about 40 add that up I could've had a hps but check this out then id have to spend an additional 50 for the room supplies so I'm pretty sure I saved money on this.

Yep, it's one of those situations where a bigger investment will have meant a bigger return (more product) but you can't invest what you don't have, I hear that.

The main thing is you will be growing and aquiring a new and very interesting hobby.

Plenty of time to upgrade in the future, it's a normal process.
Yep, it's one of those situations where a bigger investment will have meant a bigger return (more product) but you can't invest what you don't have, I hear that.

The main thing is you will be growing and aquiring a new and very interesting hobby.

Plenty of time to upgrade in the future, it's a normal process.
preciate the no pressuring on getting a hid, it's not that I don't want too believe me this is a start I tried a couple years ago using t5s on three bag seed and had to dispose due to people complications but this is my first time in two years and I got all my seeds from feminized seed banks in Denmark so I'm on the right track
Quick question if I paint the room I'm flat white will it still require the lights to be close or could I space them out and the lights will reflect off the paint?
Quick question if I paint the room I'm flat white will it still require the lights to be close or could I space them out and the lights will reflect off the paint?

You place the lights where it's best for the plants, normally over-head.

Light placement is not surface dependant in anyway.
In the grow room busted my 43 and 55w moving lights -.-

Bust them babies out and let’s get cooking (or more like a slow poach) we have lift off.

You might wanna paint the floor white too.

Or if the land lord is gonna get all prissy about it and wanna keep your deposit, you might wanna look into getting some reflective material down there to bounce some light back, no point in wasting light.

Just some food for thought.

Up, up and away.
I just purchased 8 23w 2700k 1600 lumen cfls and currently have my plant under 2 13w 2700k on the side, 2 23w 2700k and a single 23w 6500k cfls with an additional 8 will there be the perfect lighting for 12/12?

Stop it! Just stop!

Either grow, or dont, but dont half ass with (dim!) table lamp bulbs... this is cannabis, not a book to read at midnight...

Go get some real lights. Don't stack 12 different 23w bulbs crammed around a single struggling plant... go get one 250MH, or even a 400w HPS/MH combo... fuck even a 125cfl! (not 125 equiv)

And no mylar?

Look, we all love to get our hands in the dirt and get them plants going but ffs, if you dont have your grow equipment yet, dont start growing yet!

And if you can't afford light, what are you planning to FEED these plants?

Your plants are you children, don't bring them into this world if your not ready to offer a home to them, with food water and temp control, all your doing is setting the stage for dead plants in a few weeks...
The 2 55w cost 12 each and the 2 43w cost 8 each then the 23w were like 3 bucks for 4 cfls. I spent less money and equaled a hps in wattage y'all say it's cheaper after you buy all the bulbs but with the supplies for the grow room was 50 and the bulbs about 40 add that up I could've had a hps but check this out then id have to spend an additional 50 for the room supplies so I'm pretty sure I saved money on this.

Sorry didn't realize you were trying to grow money, can I get a clone off that plant?

Your not saving money, you're wasting it.

The amount of money spent on sub-par equipment, plus the cost of running it.... the cost for the 1/2oz of fluffy buds you'll get in the end, with the ALMOST amazing trich's covering it... Will make it some of the most expensive weed of your life.

(like a few 2x4's and couple sheets of drywall are cheaper than a small 'big-kids' light kit)
Sorry didn't realize you were trying to grow money, can I get a clone off that plant?

Your not saving money, you're wasting it.

The amount of money spent on sub-par equipment, plus the cost of running it.... the cost for the 1/2oz of fluffy buds you'll get in the end, with the ALMOST amazing trich's covering it... Will make it some of the most expensive weed of your life.

(like a few 2x4's and couple sheets of drywall are cheaper than a small 'big-kids' light kit)
Menards 2 drywall 6 dollars each 3 2x4s 2 dollars each 8 bucks after tax total was 20-25. Hps bulb metal halid 30 or more ballast 40-50 do I really need to go on? I understand it's not how YOU would do it but I'm me and you are you I'm asking about cfls and paint and people keep telling me hids where in my questions have I once asked about one? Help me with what I got and keep the opinions to yourself till the day I decide to buy one and then tell me about how much of a newb I am