BC Northern Lights Nirvana ICE Grow #3


Active Member
Back for another grow with my BCNL producer grow box. This time, I'm growing Nirvana Ice. These plants are 10 days into flower and range from 6-9 inches tall. They were stunted a bit because I had to hold them in my veg area for longer than intended due to my flowering chamber being occupied. They were a little stretched and root growth was delayed, but they are just starting to bush out and really get some footing. I am feeding with the full Advanced Nutrient line (minus a couple products).

My goal on this run is 14 ounces. I pulled 9 ounces from 12 plants on my last run, but lost several ounces to mold (didn't control my humidity well). I've never grown this strain before though, so I'm not sure what to expect. I plan on trimming fairly aggressively (lollipop) to keep the side branching to an absolute minimum. I'm growing with a full box of 18 plants, so I have no room to spare.

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Active Member
hey are you a medical grower? cause it doesnt seem like a good safe idea if i were to have it shipped to my apartment when it isnt legal for medical marijuana in my state is it?


Active Member
I do not live in a medical MJ state, no. You're talking about shipping the BCNL box to your apt? It can be done, but it will probably take some thought and planning. You can have it shipped to the local shipping depot and pick it up from there (with a pick up truck ). It will take two people to lift it to the ground and maneuver it into your apt. You can lift it up stairs, but it will be a big pain in the ass (if going up stairs, you may want to use three people to lift - two in the back, one in the front). Make sure to do this work when the least amount of people are around, though most people will have no earthly idea what the hell it is. Plan what you will say if someone does ask you... (deep freezer works well - say you're a hunter). Please please please measure all the doors thoroughly in your apt so you know for sure that it will fit through. Trust me, your heart will sink if it is too big to squeeze through the front door (don't even consider trying to disassemble these things!). I had to remove a door from the hinge just to give me another 1/2 inch of clearance.


Active Member
oh my god thats the truth! i live on 3rd floor and shipping company assured me theyve delvrd these to apts. b4 and they would have a lift to get it off the truck. bullshit!! first of all they came in a full-size semi-truck which almost didnt even make it the complex. when he finally got parked he was blockin 8 cars! they had no lift so me, another dude and driver had to lift off truck to ground. Then the most fukt up thng happened. a lady who workd for the complex was watchin us and casually asked me what it was. i told her it was an old big screen tv and the driver blurts out “oh is that what it is? says here its an indoor greenhouse.” CAN U BELIEVE THAT SHIT? thats nobodys business and i was so pissed. granted i have a med card and am totally legal but it doesnt mean the complex wants it in their buildings. so, ancap is dead on-have a plan! and 3 ppl takin it up 3 floors was still a bitch


what i found worked best to get it upstairs was to take all the heavy stuff out but has to be out of sight i have the producer royale so alot of it fit into the dryer to take up two packages. Definitely measure all doors nothing worse than sitting in the hallway wondering what to do. Fortunatly i live near their warehouse so i loaded my unit into my truck and drove it home...love b.c.

Flipped my first run of purple kush today they are about 6"-7" tall been running co2 for 2 days and it will be on the whole time. Havent done any modifications to the box...yet...the extra air stone sounds great and i may add an extra small fan that sits just below the co2 hose to spread around better. Has anyone tried the ice cubes for extra co2? Are the 1l bottles working still ancap?

I will post some pics soon


Active Member
i use 2 frozen 20 oz bottles at a time and change em 2 or 3 times a day and about ten trays of ice per day to keep temp btwn 62 and 72. one-litres r best but mine exploded in freezer! 2-litres r overkill and rupture easily when frozen. if i used nothing rez would b 75 to 80. extra airstones and fan r requirements for producer imo.


Active Member
btw ice cubes dont get u co2 they get u extra oxygen in rez and colder water holds more oxygen or it can anyway. unless u were refering to dry ice which is frozen co2. id stick with the tank tho, prly the easiest since u already have one. the volume on these boxes is low compared to most grow rooms so u should b able to make a 20lb last a bit. i can stretch my 5lb ten to fftn days. btw sorry bout all the bad grammer and short-hand. typin on the wii sux!


Well-Known Member
Man...BCNL Producers! haha...man, I wish I could afford that right now...anyways, definately subbing for this!!!



Sweet ice will be added in the am before the ladies wake up. I started a journal I dont know how to link to here pics are posted and they are looking ok imo. Is putting some crates under the res worth the effort for the first few weeks?


Active Member
i dont thnk u need to raise the rez. when theyre real short they dont need as much lite anyway so by the time theyre over a ft theyl b growin like crazy. i dont even switch to superlumen til vertical growth stops.


Active Member
85kryp- i stil use central air twelve hr a day while pro is on. just got new d.t.e. bill-$211! up from an average of 75. i have to stress tho only about 1/4 to 1/3 of the increase is frm pro. central ac clocks in at 3500 watts average. my humidity is 20 to 40% in the day but used to get as high as 70% at nite with doors shut. so i started leaving door open 8 to ten inches with a 8inch fan blowin inside and a sheet over the whole thng for xtra lite protection. since then the highest r.h. got was 57 at nite with 53 average. ths is with no dehumidifier. i also make sure rez is below 65 with fresh ice bottles rite b4 lites out to keep reztemp and evaporation down. also turn ac off b4 lites out cuz colder temps hold less water thus raising r.h.


Sweet the effort that wouldve been needed to raise res was a lot. Just switched my ladies to some dude from a different sites postings,(Medecine Man) receipe all advanced nutrients. I have it posted in my journal i will copy paste to see if its too much


Week 2

Motherearth Tea Blend-75ml
Big Bud-1250ml

Week 3

Motherearth Tea Blend-75ml
Big Bud-250ml

Week 4
Motherearth Tea Blend-75ml
Big Bud-250ml

Week 5

Motherearth Tea Blend-150ml
Big Bud-1none

Week 6

Nothing except 125ml Final Phase in 30L ice water a 4 bags ph balanced ice cubes remove all fan leaves to stress plant and keep lights off to harden


This is based on a 50L reservoir

Week 1

Motherearth Tea Blend-75ml
Big Bud-125ml
CO2-lvl 2 on regulator


Active Member
thats a lot of nutes. seems excessive. not the variety of products but the amount. esp. big bud. 250? thats a qt of the bottle!


I got all those nutes in the 4L size and the ph + and - and carbo in 2L for $350 so i should be good for like 3 runs at $115 per if it works like his imo well worth the extra flow. I will def keep posted.