B'cuzz mixture strengths on RO?

I'm not sure what I should be following?

The B'cuzz guide doesn't say whether the recommended EC targets are relevant for use with tap water or RO water?

Consequently, if I follow the suggested dosage per Litre on the guide, my EC's on my RO water mix are hardly even on the meter at all. To get them up to the suggested EC strengths, I am having to add anywhere between double and 2.5 times the nutrient strengths. (expensive feeding).

Should I be getting the EC right by adding equally increased amounts of all constituent additives as required for each week of the grow guide, if not, how should I be feeding?
I've been adding all suggested fluids in equal parts until I hit my EC, (measuring with an EC wand) but don't really have a clue as to whether this is the correct method or not?

Advice on this matter appreciated?



Active Member
if you are growing in soil and your waters ec is low
use cal and mag to bring it up to 5 and and add grow nutes in veg to a ec of 1.0-1.2 and in flower add 10% grow and the rest bloom with the cal and mag

if the ec level is to high you will burn the plants roots and if the main, second, or trace nutes are not there for the plant, it could reduce yeild or kill the plant
so the ideal is to give the plant what it needs but keep the ec low and constant (round 1.2 is good)

i have not used ro water but this is what i would do if i was you
Apologies, I'm using Clay balls media. My confusion relates to the dosage rates based on the B'cuzz grow guide table specifically as indicated above. B'cuzz guide suggests 1.2 early on, but I can't tell if that is calculated using tap water or RO. I'm using RO and to hit the suggested EC levels on their guide, I'm needing to use more than double the suggested amount of Nutrients. Is this correct, or do the EC levels needcorrecting to take account of the lower base RO EC levels?



Active Member
if you are using ro water u need to use cal and mag to give the plant the second and trace nutes or something like it

i don't think you can grow with grow and bloom in ro water
as the plant needs other nutes that is in tap water or mag and cal

your ec level can be lower with ro water and you can get bigger yields with less problems when you get the nutes right but its a lot less forgiving if you lack some nutes needed by the plants at any stage of the grow

good luck
Thanks. I'm using al B'cuzz gear as per their publiched table, A+B, Root Stim, Hydro booster, then bloom stim and Bloombastic with a litle ata cleaner to keep the pipes clean. Still need clarification on the scaling of additives thing tho to sit straight in my head.



Active Member
ec reading is to give you some ideal of how strong the nutes are like you wanting to know how much many chillies to add to a curry and if it to many you burn your mouth and have the runes

same with plant give to much and it will burn the roots

if you give it to much or little of something, the fan leaves go light green or dark green ect, lots of different things will happen to your plant so you have an ideal of whats wrong and give it more or less of what it needs

like more bloom and less grow to keep the ec level good