Beaches in SoCal. Malibu or Venice?


Active Member
I'm out in LA on vacation and will be heading back on Wednesday. I've been super busy while here but I want to make sure I hit up the beach before I go.

I'm staying in West Hollywood and have access to a car tomorrow. I'm having trouble deciding whether I should drive out to Malibu and check out the area there or if I should just head to the closer beaches like Venice, Redondo, Hermosa, Manhattan.

Any suggestions on where to go? Is there anything particularly better about one over another? Any particularly epic food spots at any of them?
this is gonna be no help im afraid, cause ive never been to california (other than airports for connections). i just wanted to say im jealous lol, all of those beaches/places sound awesome to me. where i am right now its f-f-f-freeeeeeeeeeeeezing :(


Well-Known Member
Venice...a stoners circus. so many glass shops. I used to go there in high school cause they always sold glass to kids...I miss those days so much. Some cool/crazy people too. +hott bitches


Well-Known Member
It depends what u wanna do, venice is a tourist spot but goin up to malibu would be better if u wanna go in the ocean Zuma Beach is where I always used to go. And food it depends but Gladstones is a very famous spot on PCH for seafood, has the peanut shells on the floor and they make ur to go food into a foil swan(or at least used to). Or if you want some truly amazing Italian food there is a small restaurant off PCH on west channel rd. called Giorgio's or Il ristorante di Giorgio Baldi but bring ur wallet cause it can be expensive but well worth it, try the lagastino.

Or if u wanna get some awesome lunch on ur way right of Lincoln Blvd if ur comin down the 10 fwy to get to PCH is the most best Italian Deli ever called Bay City Imports, the most awesome poorboy sammich and pickled peppers stuffed with meat and cheese.


Well-Known Member
Venice, i'm not far from there..great smokers beach. You'll have people putting weed in your face in the first 10 minutes...


Well-Known Member
Yeah, Venice is a freak show. Mahattan beach has always served me well with the ladies. Very laid back. Great philly cheesteak place a couple blocks from the bars. Cleaner, prettier, ....safer.