Beanz's Redemption Grow 2011


RIU Bulldog
So, I do appreciate anyone who's subscribed, its still kinda pointless to post pics everyday as there's nothing photo worthy going on just yet, but I just started flowering 5 days ago so the show will be starting soon!

As I feared, the screen is becoming over-crowded. How sad I would be if this was all for nothing and all I got was rock-hard popcorn bud. It wouldn't be the worst thing that could happen, but not what I'm shooting for. I want big donkey dicks crammed in every crevice of the closet. I want that thing so damn full of bud that it's just on the verge of molding (I keep an 18 inch fan under the plants and I chop whats under the screen to increase air flow). I chopped the excess fan leaves and branches from under the screen, being careful not to chop too much off the branches that I want to grow into the screen more.

I've scrog'd with cfl's before and it was small, but for cfl's, it was impressive. Buds weren't too airy and yield was like two ounces more than when growing them naturally straight. The thing I like about scrog is that it's perfect for those trying to stay within the limits of the law. Tell me what other method you can pull a pound of weed off one plant with a 400 lamp from? None. Not with only one plant, and defo not with a 400 watter. Plus it increases the sq. footage of grow space in the space.
Hopefully, barring a disaster of catastrophic proportions, I'll realize my dream this cycle. Here they are this morning.

Every little light green pucker of leaves is gonna turn into a cola or a bud. And since it get full light with leaves blocking it, it will get bigger than it would naturally.


The Sannie's group is really starting to come around. The indicas (Herijuanas) were always doing good, but I've had some issues with the Lady Cane x Blueberry from the start. I switched to R/O water for the LCxBB and since, they've regained their vigor and are growing quickly. I also switched to organic nutrients for them, for more delicate feedings. I'm feeding them at 500ish ppm.



I'm starting to get excited about the outdoor girls. They smell like kind some fruity kush. No skunky, cheesey smell at all which is why I think it's a kush. The branches are big enough to take cutting of and clone for sex. I'm gonna finish them all anyways, but males don't need my full attention (and pocketbook). They look a little rough because the weather here has been beating them up but they're still healthy and growing good. Time to get to work digging holes (they don't have pm, that's dirt from the hard wind yesterday and today).


Here are my hempy buckets day 3. I'm loving how easy they are. Once the roots take hold I hope it takes off like everyone says it's supposed to. For now things are going really smooth and the plants seem to be liking their new home.

Thank you everyone for stopping by and especially those that have subbed.


kevin murphy

New Member
yea lad nice them..hope my cuttings do well got critical plus armageddon,dready cheese and lady purple...they looking sweet them lad...looks like u might have a sikkk harvest ...


RIU Bulldog
yea lad nice them..hope my cuttings do well got critical plus armageddon,dready cheese and lady purple...they looking sweet them lad...looks like u might have a sikkk harvest ...
Sick enough for a 2.5ft by 2.5ft closet and 400 watt light! lol Plus the outdoor which will be good. I got plans man for sure. Gotta start somewhere tho. All the profit I make will be going back into the grow; acquiring a better space, more HID's, a veg tent for perpetual, more lights for better lighting during other growth stages, DIY mother/father room, (2) T5's for cloning and mother/fathers, new fertilizer, co2, atmosphere controllers, thermostats on exhaust and intake vents, better all around ventilation, bigger carbon scrubber, DIY hydrotable and more. Just have to make the money first.

I got plans....


Active Member
I feel you on the plans :D I have a broad facing walkin closet that will be retrofitted to contain a perpetual growth cycle of a few plants, and I plan to do my seed production outside. with a small number of plants.

Subbed for sure :D Hope to see some nice nugs from that scrog!


RIU Bulldog
I feel you on the plans :D I have a broad facing walkin closet that will be retrofitted to contain a perpetual growth cycle of a few plants, and I plan to do my seed production outside. with a small number of plants.

Subbed for sure :D Hope to see some nice nugs from that scrog!
Thanks for all the good vibes er'one, I just gotta up the security a little so I don't have the same problem I had last time and everything will be set for a nice finale.
I already bought the double dead bolts for the room door and the closet door. I need a kick down barrier, so no one can kick down my door, and even if they do get in the room, I gotta do something so they don't get in the closet. Some kind of cameras would be nice too. If all goes well things should turn out real nice, God willing.


RIU Bulldog
What happened last time, if you don't mind me askin?
Someone cocksucker(s) broke into my house and stole them.

all them plants looking real green bro, i want me some of those indies
Thank mug. For once the breeder details actually match the plant. Apparently, this strain is too strong for some people. Even experienced heads admit that the smoke is powerful. The one draw, so I've heard, is the flavor. I guess it has a taste and smell that puts people off, but then again some people say it's not bad. I had to buy the strain that was "too strong" for real smokers man, if for anything just to say I have the strongest shit on the block lol.

I got two plant in the scrog that are supposed to be 100% indicas too. Delicious Seed's Sugar Black Rose and Norther Light Blue. I've never actually finished either of those strains so I'm in for a surprise myself. I hope it's a good one. The White Widow x Big Bud in the screen is a sat/ind hybrid. It has awesome structure. I mean, this plant just keeps growing bud site after but site. Branch after branch. I'm looking forward to actually finishing these this time. There are so many braches coming off the plant that I had to cut off 4 perfectly good branches. If you look back a few posts, it's bad to over-crowd the scrog net. These are clones of the ones that got stolen.


Well-Known Member
wow thats some sad shit :cry::cry: :( ad go looking for them fuckers, i herd most b&e s are ppl u know

Thank mug. For once the breeder details actually match the plant. Apparently, this strain is too strong for some people. Even experienced heads admit that the smoke is powerful. The one draw, so I've heard, is the flavor. I guess it has a taste and smell that puts people off, but then again some people say it's not bad. I had to buy the strain that was "too strong" for real smokers man, if for anything just to say I have the strongest shit on the block lol.

I got two plant in the scrog that are supposed to be 100% indicas too. Delicious Seed's Sugar Black Rose and Norther Light Blue. I've never actually finished either of those strains so I'm in for a surprise myself. I hope it's a good one. The White Widow x Big Bud in the screen is a sat/ind hybrid. It has awesome structure. I mean, this plant just keeps growing bud site after but site. Branch after branch. I'm looking forward to actually finishing these this time. There are so many braches coming off the plant that I had to cut off 4 perfectly good branches. If you look back a few posts, it's bad to over-crowd the scrog net. These are clones of the ones that got stolen.
well tell me how pure indi taste like, i never smoked pure, even when i was in Ohio all i ever smoked there was a bunch of northanlights and all manner of bc bud,


RIU Bulldog
Just put my babies to sleep, but just before, I had me a little camera shoot. I tied the down earlier. they just start pointing toward the light again, so everything you see is gonna become a bud.
First pic I wanted to show you is the result of 2x topping, lst, and scrog.
The 5 headed Hydra.
Check out my pimped out circulation.
I promise future grows will be more impressive lol.
I had to make some tough decisions. the net is so crowded that I had to cut off some branches. But it's for the best.
If you look close you can see all the tops and how the scrog has affected the lower nodes and branches. Every branch has 5-6 or more bud sites on it.
Here's a few close ups of some day 5 bud sites. Flowering is really taking off. Gotta love clones.

Till next time,


Well-Known Member
everything lookin great beans... u got ur security on lock this time right?
i just moved my entire set up from a 10x9 room to a 13x10
40 extra sq feet, plus a closet double the size
able to squeeze a rubbermaid cloneling/seedling station, and my computer desk in the new room
along with EVERYTHING in my house that had to do with growing
nice to finally have it all in one area. check it out in my thread

yours are looking fantastic.... keep it up


RIU Bulldog
everything lookin great beans... u got ur security on lock this time right?
i just moved my entire set up from a 10x9 room to a 13x10
40 extra sq feet, plus a closet double the size
able to squeeze a rubbermaid cloneling/seedling station, and my computer desk in the new room
along with EVERYTHING in my house that had to do with growing
nice to finally have it all in one area. check it out in my thread

yours are looking fantastic.... keep it up
Iwill man, Im sorry I didn't even notice you had your own thread...omw


RIU Bulldog
well tell me how pure indi taste like, i never smoked pure, even when i was in Ohio all i ever smoked there was a bunch of northanlights and all manner of bc bud,
Northern lights is an indica my friend. In fact 90% of the weed on the market in north america is indica, so more than likely you've smoke indica.


Well-Known Member
wow then nvm sats for me i always thought that northern lights was a brid like 50/50 it gets so big


RIU Bulldog
wow then nvm sats for me i always thought that northern lights was a brid like 50/50 it gets so big
People don't realize that untrained, indicas can grow 6 feet tall. When they say indicas are shorter than sativas it's misleading because compared to 15ft, 6 is short lol. NL#5 is supposed to have some thai in it, so you could get some phenos that are sativa leaning.