

Well-Known Member
Where do you get these pics?
Most of the time I get lucky when I'm surfing, other times I get inspired by what someone has posted here. CN's idea for such a thread makes perfect sense, why not celebrate and enjoy the beauty this world has to offer when it's seems most of the time were inundated with negative images.


Ursus marijanus
Lately, as I find myself paddling a neural board on the very edge between wakeful and asleep, I find myself sometimes grabbed by hypnopompic images of sand dunes. i think i am accessing dreams i had when I was younger than two years old ... there is that feeling of memories as old as I am. So I present some images of dunes, as beautiful in their minimalism as a lovely woman fully swathed in robes. cn

And this site ... presented "unmined" out of respect.


Well-Known Member
One ship drives east and another drives west
With the selfsame winds that blow.
'Tis the set of the sails
And not the gales
Which tells us the way to go.

Like the winds of the sea are the ways of fate
As we voyage along through life.
'Tis the set of a soul that decides its goal,
And not the calm or the strife.

This is the current position of My Vessel @ this time BTW ....



Well-Known Member
BOOOOOOM! I got to where I could sleep through these. Fuckin Airshows for Saudi's, they would hold there ears til it went by and then let go and BOOOOm it would knock em out of the Lawnchairs.



Ursus marijanus
I recently witnessed a captivating halo phenomenon in our neck of the woods. "Halo" is the generic term for rings, arcs etc. that form around the sun when ice crystals high in the atmosphere refract and reflect sunlight along lines specified by the shape and refractive index of those crystals. The circumhorizontal arc sometimes appears 46° below/outside the sun's position, and its spectral dispersion is exceptional, earning it the informal name "fire rainbow". I saw one, and in its honor an memory i found these images. cn



Ursus marijanus
that's how the sky would look when I took acid.. but they would be different colours that you cant see when sober. it always confused me
Once, just once, I looked at the stars while still looped on a clode congener of psilocin. What astounded me are the extra stars.

oh and somebody repair the star rating of this thread. I cannot believe that someone would be so [insert R-rated adjective] as to give a lowered rating. i mean ... harumph. cn


Well-Known Member
Once, just once, I looked at the stars while still looped on a clode congener of psilocin. What astounded me are the extra stars.

oh and somebody repair the star rating of this thread. I cannot believe that someone would be so [insert R-rated adjective] as to give a lowered rating. i mean ... harumph. cn
i know your really happy about your new suit for w/e ,but even in redneckistan big words don't make you any smarter, even rich assholes don't use fancy words.


Ursus marijanus
i know your really happy about your new suit for w/e ,but even in redneckistan big words don't make you any smarter, even rich assholes don't use fancy words.
Obviously I meant "close". Oh and keep it beautiful now. You may need to look that word up. cn


Well-Known Member
she looks beautiful and he looks handsome. alot of threads are started on the basis of pictures, i provided some. your mostly on conversation.


Well-Known Member
would you look at those irrigation systems....

Does anyone else see the face on the side of the green mountain in the 4th picture? Look down from the people dressed in blue walking on the path. It's darker and the back of his head would be on the right side of the pic. Like the face is looking almost straight across the page.