BEEN 3 weeks in ffof???


Well-Known Member
been three weeks in ffof with no food, really over 4 weeks but i transplanted from small cups in to final pots after about 10 days so we will just say 3 weeks , I will be leaving for a week and was worried they may get hungry so i was wanting to know if you all think it be ok to hit them with 1tsp of big bloom and 1/4 tsp grow big that be ok?? my dad will water them while im gone so I will pre mix it for him, dont want him burning my plants. dont trust him watering them really.. going to let them go 3 days before i tell him to go water them again so they will dry out a little....
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Well-Known Member
From what I understand pre-mixing nutes to sit in water for any length is not good a couple hours but that's about it from what I understand

You can always add a heavy top dress with ffof and lime or etc to help keep nutes avaliable

a senile fungus

Well-Known Member
I like what the above posters have said. Water only. Also, a top dress with some fresh soil can't hurt.

The soil you have has lasted this long, a top dress should help the plant make it another week.


Well-Known Member
and where im lst,my stims are to close to soill to top dress with any moor soil, if i did it be covering the stem