Been Busted? Raided? Caught? Or got away on a Close Call? Share your stories thread-

Did you consent to a search?
What chain of events led to the K9 search?
My lady was pulled over for swerving when they got up to the vehicle we had just put out the cbd roach so they said it smelled of marijuana and asked if they could search it since that was all we had i said they pulled us out and ran the dog it hit on the drivers side but he found the roach alledgedly jammed in the window trim of the pannenger side, nothing was bagged that i seen and no field test was done to check for lady got takin to jail for not blowing right away and they gave me a 550 possesion of marijuana ticket..didnt ask if i could drive or letme call our insurance that has road side assistance instead they impounded the vehicle anddropped me off 2 miles from there jail at amotel 6 and said if i walk back to bond herout they would arrest me for public intox.
just the other day this guy that just moved in down the street about 2 miles away from me, came up on my property and confronted me, saying he wanted to ride his horses through my land. I said no, and he said he already trespassed and came right up to my house and saw my garden. I have well over the legal limit going, and he says he is going to the cops if I don't allow him permanent access through some kind of legal documentation... I guess he works at a local law firm and is trying to bully me into basically forfeiting a chunk of my property. Fuck this guy. I'll either mover everything or cut it all...

I thought u could just shoot ppl in the USA if they are in ur house?

Like can’t u just invite him over for a coffee and shoot him in the doorway?
I thought u could just shoot ppl in the USA if they are in ur house?

Like can’t u just invite him over for a coffee and shoot him in the doorway?
Very few states are like that anymore.
Most places you can still be charged with murder or manslaughter unless you can prove your life was in immediate danger.
In Colorado for instance, someone breaking into your home in the middle of the night is not enough to shoot them let alone kill them. They have to have a deadly weapon in hand with intent to do you harm before you can legally open fire.
In Louisiana, if youre sitting at a red light and someone tries to carjack you, you can legally shoot them in the fucking face.
Used to sling long ago.......10 elbows a week........had an apartment in my hometown, was 1988......a guy named Donnie usually bought a quarter lb twice a week......never more then that. Had known him since 73, the year we both graduated high school..............he stopped by, got his and left.....later on that day another local (scott )came by for a lb//////

He asked me if I had sold Donnie any bud and I said I had......he said Donnie's car is getting ripped apart by police and a K-9 car.......2 blocks from your apt! I sent my ex wife on a driving errand to confirm.....she did a drive by.

Once she got back I began freaking out a little....called a buddy with a Ford F350...........we filled his truck and my truck up with all my furniture.....bought 2 local newspapers and I went house /apartment hunting .........moved THAT SAME DAY with about 8 lbs of bud.........

Never saw Donnie or Scott fact after those 8 lbs were moved I quit selling......had sold 9 yrs without incident, prior......moved 60 miles away, divorced the ex.....started a new life
I didnt get caught up, but shit went down pretty much days after we moved out of states.
Long story short as fragile is capable of...
I was in one of the worst states to get caught with minor possession, let alone distribution. Roommate decided he really liked weed so he started selling it. It started off pretty small. He'd buy an oz and sell off a couple grams to help pay for it. It quickly escalated to several him being the best local plug and getting a few pounds of fire every couple weeks. I think the biggest single load was 8 or 9 pounds. We argued frequently about the amounts he was bringing into where we lived. That's 100% prison time for just living in the same place that that type of shit is happening in that state. I was highly uncomfortable in that situation and it gave me the motivation to get the move here done as soon as possible.
Just a couple weeks after i left, i found out the local narcotics unit was on to him and building a case. They had his whole network pretty much figured out. Nearly everyone he dealt with got pulled in for questioning. Even his runner that only he ever dealt with had been figured out but they didnt have the evidence. Through talking to a few of them, I found out that they did in fact know about me but not who I was or my involvement. They knew I was there though and that shit scared me. In the end he shut everything down, cut ties with all of them, and also moved out of state. I didnt hear about anyone catching charges, but it was a very close call all around and why I moved to a legal state and do my best to stay within the limits of my local laws.
Used to sling long ago.......10 elbows a week........had an apartment in my hometown, was 1988......a guy named Donnie usually bought a quarter lb twice a week......never more then that. Had known him since 73, the year we both graduated high school..............he stopped by, got his and left.....later on that day another local (scott )came by for a lb//////

He asked me if I had sold Donnie any bud and I said I had......he said Donnie's car is getting ripped apart by police and a K-9 car.......2 blocks from your apt! I sent my ex wife on a driving errand to confirm.....she did a drive by.

Once she got back I began freaking out a little....called a buddy with a Ford F350...........we filled his truck and my truck up with all my furniture.....bought 2 local newspapers and I went house /apartment hunting .........moved THAT SAME DAY with about 8 lbs of bud.........

Never saw Donnie or Scott fact after those 8 lbs were moved I quit selling......had sold 9 yrs without incident, prior......moved 60 miles away, divorced the ex.....started a new life
Paranoia much?
I was riding shotgun with my best friend behind the wheel of his tinted jeep grand cherokee. We were both in our late teens and were driving down a main avenue one late night, cruising, about to roll up, and making plays. We pass an intersection and scope a state trooper suv parked in a lot waiting for his next victim. The cruiser gets behind us and almost immediately flashes his blue lights. My friend is on probation at this time, so he asks me to hold the zip. I put it in my pants on my pelvis. This statie just so happened to pull over my friend in his same vehicle for illegal tinted windows less than two weeks prior a couple of towns over. Trooper recognized the vehicle, and used the tinted windows as justification for the stop.
Well when my bro rolled down the driver's side window, the trooper remarked about the strong smell of fresh weed, and therefore was justified in executing a search without a warrant. He gets us out of the jeep and has us sit on the curb of the sidewalk, and orders us to turn our heads away and not look at him. Trooper finds a gram or half of a gram on the floor of the passenger side seat where I had been sitting. So according to Massachusetts law, whomever is closest to the drugs found in a vehicle with multiple occupants, is the one whom gets charged with the offense. Statie then puts us both in the back of his cruiser, asks us where's the rest, who belongs to the gram, etc. We stay silent. Statie radios for a K9. So we're sitting in the back of the squadie, but not saying much as we know there are audio recording inside the cruiser.
Finally another cruiser shows up with a german shepherd and he's going through the passenger area and the dog is signaling and I hear the trooper say to the other one 'there's definitely something in there.' The k9 is pawing at the console and sniffing the a/c vents. So after some time they give up and the trooper who initiated the traffic stop has us out of the cruiser, tells us we reek of weed, and says to me he's going to search my person, and is going to look in my pants. Being young and intimidated I did not refuse, but I also didn't consent. It just so happens that on that particular night, I was free-balling, not wearing any boxers. The trooper pulls back the front of the waistband of my sweatpants, as he does this allows the zip to fall down my pant leg and it gets caught in the pants cuff. He gets a look at my junk but seems perplexed as to why he hasn't found anything after we stunk up his cruiser with the fresh herb. So I'm there and in my mind thanking my mother in heaven but trying not to let on that there's an ounce of weed at the bottom of my pants-leg. Now, these pants were a jordan brand sweats and the pants cuffs had a flimsy plastic button that allowed you to open the cuff in order to put them on or take them off while wearing sneakers. And they had a tendency to open up on their own, and I was constantly having to snap them back together. Trooper allows me to go back to the jeep, and I, knowing that the button could become undone at the slightest movement walk back to the jeep with a funny gait, swinging my right leg in a letter c motion, so as not to jostle the button to come undone. As I'm doing this the statie gives me a funny look and kinda looks at my leg, but he had already frisked my legs up and down prior to pulling back my waistband. Phew! So I get back into my friends jeep, my friend is allowed to get back in as well. Trooper gives me a summons to appear in court for the gram. Friend gets a ticket for tints that are too dark. We are free. We drive off, overjoyed, dapping each other up multiple times. My friend elated that I did him a solid, allowing him to avoid mandatory jail time, and I equally as happy that I wasn't arrested. We celebrate by rolling up and blowing it down. I ended up going to court and taking a 6 month probation, fines, etc. Had my friend pay the court costs.
The moral of the story? When riding dirty, stash your QP in under the hood of the car. Never in the passenger area.
I imagine what a huge disappointment it must have been for the big state trooper, aside from the thrill he got from looking at my teenage meat sausage.
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My god American cops are brutal! Thankfully I live in the UK where being well spoken has got me out of all sorts of situations.

Was on a long road trip once to see family, the journey was a straight 5 hour drive, nothing too heavy. I took a few pre rolled joints with me for the journey. Had smoked the last joint when police were in my rear view mirror... got pulled. Panicked. I knew I stank of weed and wouldn’t get away with it so I lit a cigarette and just thought fuck it, play it cool and let the worse happen! Cop comes up, it’s a lady, she’s hot.. she glances at my cigarette then at me; and then asks me if I’m the registered keeper of the vehicle.. I say yes, she says that she would just like to run a check as I look awfully young to be driving the type of car I have. Checks all come back fine, they didn’t pull me on the smell of weed once - I was very polite, had a bit of banter with the police saying how young do I look considering I’m in my early 30’s, I’ll take it as a compliment, asked how their day was going whilst they ran checks on me - made some excellent small talk about my journey and the weather, which kept the police occupied. Few mins later I was told to get on my way.. which I did.. very hastily ahahaha

another occasion I was smoking weed in London, about to go on the underground train when a guy stopped me, flashed me his badge he was plain clothed officer - which is common. Luckily I was stood next to a drain and dropped the joint before he could grab it, and without evidence in the UK you can’t prosecute, so after stern word, I was let on my way.

I’ve been stopped when I was young with weed on me and always managed to talk my way out of getting searched - privileged white boy and all that. Not to be racist but my black friend gets stopped all the time, always a stop and search by uk police for weapons, knives, guns, drugs, but yet I don’t.
A few friends (totalling 4 of us) were crashing in another guy's apartment for a few weeks. We smoked all the good weed gone and didn't have any money for food. A kid that hung out at the local pizza place (the night before) wanted to buy some weed so we sold him some very shitty, no THC Iowa ditch weed for 20 bucks the next morning. We all went down to the local greasy spoon down the road, pigged out, and went back to the pad. In about 10 minutes the cops were the door, busted it down, and we were all up against the wall. Turns out the kid ratted us out as he had a prior he wanted points for. We all spent 30 days in the hole and then had court where we all pleaded guilty to sales and poss. and were given 5 years suspended sentence. I had to serve the whole five years of parole but better than prison. The bust was in early Dec.,1967, before cops turned into pigs.

We knew it was illegal but had many close calls as the cops didn't even know what it smelled like back then in rural Iowa. Pulled over once with the car full of smoke at 2 AM in the morning. Cops want to see in the glove. I opened it and 3-4 35mm film cans of weed fall out but the cops were looking for beer or booze, didn't even ask about the cans I was juggling in front of them. So we never were cautious until we got popped.
Never been arrested for any drug crimes, hell my worst offense was trespassing lol.

My father always told me to " keep the fucking state out of your business" ..... And that stuck with me over the years.

He did a year in the county when his brother turned him in for a kilo in the 70s.
Yeah my uncle was a piece of shit ....
Was pulled over in OKC, united states...had the dog ran on our vehicle and the cops found a CBD roach..i was givin a $550 ticket for possesion of marijuana...correct me if im wrong but isnt CBD legal in all states?
CBD still falls under being a scheduled drug. Depending where you are....
Last year I had four Dinafem seeds. Three Strawberry Amnesia and one Critical Jack. I live in a rural county on a generally quiet road in a non legal state. Decided to grow them at the house where I was renting room. Had one roomate who was retired and an alcoholic. The plants were out on the deck and were about 14" tall in one gallon pots. I returned from work one day and right away saw the plants were gone. The pots were still there on the deck. I knew it had to be that cops had been by. Went to my roommate and asked if that was what happened. He said yeah and that a couple of sheriff deputies were making rounds to tell people that there had been burglaries in the area. They of course asked him about the plants, who was growing them. He immediately gave up all the details including my name. But he did say that it was for personal use and I wasn't selling. I believe that his honesty helped, by not BSing them that went a good way to what happened next. They said they would take them and not charge me. I had a phone call a few days later from a detective that said no charges would be filed. I said I appreciate that and there wouldn't be anymore of that around here. At one point the detective chuckled and said "Be careful". And that was the end of it. I still wish I could put my hands on the peckerhead who had done the burglaries that brought the sheriff to the door. He wouldn't be doing any more from a wheelchair! Moral of the story - expect the unexpected and grow accordingly, especially in a non legal state. And since the sheriff's office was so cool about the situation I will be voting for him next time around.
just the other day this guy that just moved in down the street about 2 miles away from me, came up on my property and confronted me, saying he wanted to ride his horses through my land. I said no, and he said he already trespassed and came right up to my house and saw my garden. I have well over the legal limit going, and he says he is going to the cops if I don't allow him permanent access through some kind of legal documentation... I guess he works at a local law firm and is trying to bully me into basically forfeiting a chunk of my property. Fuck this guy. I'll either mover everything or cut it all...
dig a bunch of small holes where he rides his horses

a fucked up thing to do to an animal in my opinion but it will keep assholes from riding through on horses.
dig a bunch of small holes where he rides his horses

a fucked up thing to do to an animal in my opinion but it will keep assholes from riding through on horses.
Nah, I wouldn't do that to an innocent animal... I thought of a bunch of things I probably shouldn't mention here that I could do that would hurt this piece of garbage directly, but ultimately it isn't worth it... he did call the cops but it didn't work... now I have some trail cams and fencing up with no trespassing signs, and have formally told him to keep the fuck off... I don't think he's been around any time recently, and if I ever see him I'll try to take some kind of legal action...
Nah, I wouldn't do that to an innocent animal... I thought of a bunch of things I probably shouldn't mention here that I could do that would hurt this piece of garbage directly, but ultimately it isn't worth it... he did call the cops but it didn't work... now I have some trail cams and fencing up with no trespassing signs, and have formally told him to keep the fuck off... I don't think he's been around any time recently, and if I ever see him I'll try to take some kind of legal action...
good stuff. i hate people who cant respect other people's right to property
The thought of trespassing on property sounds odd to someone living in Scotland, we in Scotland can walk anywhere coast to coast providing your not in danger of life like a railway, motorway or runway or similarly stupid damaging crops or property.
Basically stick to the country code you go where you like.