Beginner Start Up Questions


Active Member
I'm about to start my first grow (nothing special, just some bagseed to make sure I have the process down before I waste too much money) and I've got a few quick questions about my grow space.

I'm going to be growing two plants in a closet which is approximately 3'x2' and about 5' tall (though if I need to I have room to raise a light source above five feet, I can't grow any higher because of a half shelf thing).

I've already got three seeds germinated (put them in soil tonight), but I don't have a proper lighting set up just yet.
I was going to order a 250 watt HPS light, but I'm afraid this may get too hot (both for the plants and as a fire hazard in such a small place).
Basically, I'm looking either for someone to alleviate my fears about heat or point me in the direction of an alternative (CFLs? I have no idea how many or what kind or what I need to mount them).

Beyond that, any general suggestions based on what I've given would be helpful. Thanks


Well-Known Member
Yes u can get a 250w hps in there as long as u keep good venting u shouldnt have a prob, some ppl use even higher wattages and do fine...instal a extractor fan and keep a fan blowing directly into the bulb and u can fit a 400w hps with no biggies...


Active Member
Well I mean it's a closet so I can't do all the intake outtake vent stuff that I see in more complicated grow rooms. Would keeping a regular ol' fan in there and opening the door a little while i'm around be enough to vent the heat out?
You won't burn the plants, just raise the light to an appropriate height. You do run the risk, however, of baking the plants if you don't have a lot of ventilation going on.