Beneficial Yellow Jackets


Active Member
So I have a pretty bad yellow jacket problem in my backyard. The yellow jackets are always flying around in my grass. So I have been reading that yellow jackets are beneficial to plants because they eat pest mites such as spider and citrus mites. Does anyone keep yellow jackets around because they are valuable predators?


Well-Known Member
I go barefoot in my garden, so if I had very many I would probably try to get rid of them without poison, (beaning them with a swatter), but as long as they aren't agressive, I wouldn't worry too much. They probably do more good than harm.


Active Member
yea they seem to be kind of aggressive when ever I wear darker shirts then tend to fuck with me. I haven't gotten stung yet. I did have a spider mite,thrips,gnat problem until I used azatrol so maybe ill just keep them around and see what they can do for me. Hopefully they don't get me tho im terrified of them.