Benificial Microbes In Hydro?


Hi All! Is there any point in adding nitrogen fixing microbes or other beneficial microbes to a chemical based line of hydro nutes (H&G)? Maybe early in Veg? I'm doing a 50/50 coco/perlite in 2 gal smart pots set in lava cinders. I have heard great things about Mykos and Azos but don't want to be foolish as this is basically a non organic Hydro gro.. could the coco make any sort of symbiotic relation possible, or displace the bad bacteria?? Also I'm worried that, if the chemicals don't kill the microbes, and they do their thing, will I need to adjust my EC as the plants will process nutes so much better. Any thoughts? Thanks much!


Active Member
Coco naturally contains beneficial fungi, but if you using chemical nutes containing H2O2, this pretty much wipes them out.


Well I want to add more and better fungi. No H2O2 in any way. Just the chems that are in H G line, as in most not-organic lines.


Active Member
Dont see why you shouldn't add more. Hygrozyme does real wonders in soil grows, but doesn't really do the same in hydro grows. Their are much better enzyme products for hydro grows. Try cannazyme.